First, prepare yourself by doing some good, hard exercises. Hey, work up some perspiration, do calisthenics and lift some weights, make your body hard and fast. You'll not only get lean and mean, but that good looking girlfriend is going to love you all the more.
Second, practice throwing your fists up from the ground. Push with the legs, turn the body, snap that shoulder around, and pop that fist out as fast as if you are smacking mosquitos. Practice this body motion, and practice doing it until it is second nature.
Third, you don't want to get your own face punched on the way in; the point here is to make him take a nap, not you. So you must practice moving sideways. Make sure you don't move away from your opponent when you do this, but sideways to set up the fist.
Fourth, practice slapping his hand to the side as you close. Don't think you aren't going to get struck in the middle of the action, it happens. But do what you can to minimize the chances of getting your own self knocked down.
Fifth, pop him on the side of the jaw, not on the bony tip of it. You must rock that head sideways so the brain moves back and forth inside the skull. Interestingly, while many people recommend putting weight in your punch content, a fist to the jaw should actually be light and snappy, leave shock in his jaw without taking shock back up your arm.
Now, the bonus to this is that you have positioned yourself for a second attack, and he is probably going to be out of place. You shifted to the side, now turn the hips and sink your weight downwards and drive a punch down into his pubic area. Hit where the thigh and waist come together and he will fall, hit the groin and he will cry like a girl, hit the belly and you can knock someone out with a body punch!
In closing, I sure hope nobody reading this article gets put in a position where they will have to strike their fellow human being. In the event that you do, however, make sure you practice the points I have outlined here. Remember, do some drilling in a karate style or a kung fu style, or any martial arts style and you will definitely have the ability to knock someone out with one punch.

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