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Like any other sport, Taekwondo follows its own distinct grading system. This is where the Taekwondo belts come into picture. The color of the Taekwondo belts suggests the individual position of a student. Every color indicates the skill level of the student. Hence, it solely represents which level you are in at the moment.

Colors in Taekwondo belts are found progressive and associated with some philosophic meaning. As you reach every new goal you get a new belt and the color stands different from the earlier one. Sometimes, the belts are gained by means of wining competitions or the common way of completing and passing an examination.

In a martial art like Taekwondo, there are a total of 10 Geups. The 10 Geups starts from the 10th Geup white belt and it ends with 1st Geup or red black belt. Geup stands for degree. Conversely, Dan stands for phase. There are total 9 Dan degrees that begins with the first and ends with the 9th. All the Dan degrees are represented by black belt.

Color White

In Taekwondo, color white symbolizes the initial stage and that the person is innocent and has no knowledge of this martial art form. The white belt can be gained joining the Taekwondo classes.

Color Yellow

Yellow Taekwondo belts indicate that a person is getting to know about the basic techniques. This can be compared to plants growing its roots. A student going for the yellow belt is generally not so skilled to show the non-contact sparring. Instead, a student has to show the four direction movement that is one detailed technique shown to all the directions.

Color Orange

Orange stands for the rising sun. Seeds in the ground start to germinate and grow. It indicates that the student has started to learn the basic taekwondo techniques.

Color Green

This color especially indicates that the student is advancing in this art form. This color of this belt is usually compared to the plant growing its leaves.

Color Blue

Blue indicates to the student who is advancing higher, just like a plant which is growing is growing high towards the sky.

Color Blue / Purple

This is the color of the sky which shows that the mental and physical power has started to stabilize.

Color Brown

This is the color of the ground wherein the growing things are found rooted firmly. The stability of the mental and physical power is found to be apparent.

Color Red

Red represents danger. Students with the red belts are usually warned to practice control of his or her movements. The color red even warns the opponent.


A student has be at least 16 years of age in order to get the black belt. If younger then the student gets a Poom. Now Poom is replaced by the black belt when passed the age of 16. The needs are the same for black belt.

Black Belt

In Taekwondo, the black belt is awarded to those students who has completed the final stage and has mastered within the serene and humble beauty of a plant. Interestingly, the color black stands as a combination of all colors.

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