Kenpo Karate was once known as "Ed Parker system" in the USA, due to the fact that, many Kenpo instructors were originally trained by the mentioned famous martial artist. This, however, should not be misconstrued to mean that Kenpo Karate was founded by Parker. Kenpo was actually introduced by Prof. William K. S. Chow, who was Parker's own Instructor, in 1949. It may sometimes be called "Kempo" and the techniques involved in it are almost identical from Mistsoe's Kenpo Jui-Jitsu. It is described by fast moves in a repeated pattern in overpowering ones assailant or aggressor. Unlike the other sport styled forms of martial arts, this adaptation by Ed Parker is geared towards self defense and is more of a war art.
The techniques involved in Kenpo Karate are very specific to various belt levels such as:
-Yellow: grasp of death, delayed sword, sword and hammer, checking the storm and captured twigs
-Orange: five Swords, crashing wings, glancing salute, locking horns, repeating mace, shielding hammer, and clutching feathers.
-Purple: crushing hammer, snapping twig, calming the storm, twisted twig, raining claw and reversing mace.
-Blue: shield and sword, parting wings, darting mace, thundering hammers, cross of destruction, sleeper, flight to freedom, hooking wings, and circling wing.
-Green: flashing wings, destructive twins, begging hands, shield and mace, snaking talon, entangled wing and retreating pendulum.
-Brown Belt (3rd, 2nd& 1st Class): glancing spear, gathering clouds, dominating circles, menacing twirl, broken gift, clipping the storm, fatal cross, and courting the tiger.
There is also the black belt that is an epitome of all other techniques, and entails continued perfection coupled with the big task of teaching or patronage. It has a degree system ranging from the 1st degree to the 10th degree-a reserve for the grandmasters.
The few basics to self-defense mechanism taught include:
-Listening and paying attention
-Keeping your eyes open
-Feeling or sensing
-Self awareness
-Awareness of your surroundings and people
-Staying together with the crowd
-Keeping a distinct barrier from your attacker
-Attracting attention in during attacks
-Controlling the hands and middle body parts of the assailant.
-Going for the kill by applying the strongest force to your target's weakest point.
The other types of martial art like Kung Fu involve the use of techniques that can not be easily carried out especially in street attacks. Kenpo, on the other hand, is more simple and effective since involves brutal sparring or striking instead of raw physical strength and can be performed by a person of any experience or body type. Just like all other forms of martial arts, Kenpo Karate requires loyalty, discipline and determination.

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