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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Conor McGregor A Tale of Two Scales – McGregor vs McGregor Edition – ENT Imports MMA LIFE SHOP
You see them flying through the air and running across roof tops, swords flashing and ponytails whipping. When Jackie Chan does it, it's hilarious. When Michelle Yeoh does it, it's charming and graceful. It's Kung Fu, all right, but what does that mean?
Also known as Chinese martial arts, it is one of the most easily recognized arts in the world and also one of the most popular exercises. It's a whole lot of things all mixed under one word. People who think it is kick ass are wrong. People who think it is movie stunts are wrong. People who think it's any one thing are wrong.
Let me explain it this way. I like movies and I have a friend who is a music teacher and she also likes movies. The only problem is that every time I ask her something like, "How did you like The Matrix?" She says something like, "Great music score." She is so into music that, for her, movies are all and only about music. But that's not right, there's music, camera work, acting, writing, special effects, you know.
This great martial art has been around for over 3000 years (yes, you read that right) is a lot like this. Here's just a sample of it's branches that might interest you...
1. Kung Fu is an art form. Experts practice beautiful choreographed sequences call "sets" that show off their ability to fight, to master weapons, to move slowly or explosively. There are thousands of sets from everything with three people mock fighting one another to a single person performing with a fan.
2. It is for health. Not only that but it incorporates all sorts of health practices would normally never associate with Kung Fu. Did you know, for instance, that Tai Chi is a form of Kung Fu. Also that every style of Chinese martial arts has a Qigong associated with it!
3. It is a meditation. Why else would the Shaolin monks, probably the most famous monks in the world, practice this powerful martial art? Kung Fu emphasizes deep and profound methods of concentration.
4. It can be practiced at any age. How is this possible? Because the many different branches of Kung Fu are actually varied enough to offer something even into your nineties. Many styles are famous for the longevity of their masters.
5. It has no belts and does not necessarily participate in competitions. Ranking and competing are all up to each school's head instructor but unlike Karate and Judo which are Japanese arts, Kung Fu had no belt system until recently and even now many schools do not offer any ranking.
There are more styles of Kung Fu that all other forms of traditional martial arts combined. The styles vary according to location, family name, animal form and even name of legends like the subject of the popular Disney film, Mu Lan (a real person, by the way). Styles have great names like Tiger and the Crane, Drunken Monkey and the Praying Mantis. They come in all kinds of skills from acrobatic to extremely controlled with a lot of emphasis on each student maintaining his individuality and discovering his own unique abilities.
It's like a great film where all the parts work perfectly together, Kung Fu is a combination of talents and topics that's been 3000 years in the making and still showing at studios near you.

Also known as Chinese martial arts, it is one of the most easily recognized arts in the world and also one of the most popular exercises. It's a whole lot of things all mixed under one word. People who think it is kick ass are wrong. People who think it is movie stunts are wrong. People who think it's any one thing are wrong.
Let me explain it this way. I like movies and I have a friend who is a music teacher and she also likes movies. The only problem is that every time I ask her something like, "How did you like The Matrix?" She says something like, "Great music score." She is so into music that, for her, movies are all and only about music. But that's not right, there's music, camera work, acting, writing, special effects, you know.
This great martial art has been around for over 3000 years (yes, you read that right) is a lot like this. Here's just a sample of it's branches that might interest you...
1. Kung Fu is an art form. Experts practice beautiful choreographed sequences call "sets" that show off their ability to fight, to master weapons, to move slowly or explosively. There are thousands of sets from everything with three people mock fighting one another to a single person performing with a fan.
2. It is for health. Not only that but it incorporates all sorts of health practices would normally never associate with Kung Fu. Did you know, for instance, that Tai Chi is a form of Kung Fu. Also that every style of Chinese martial arts has a Qigong associated with it!
3. It is a meditation. Why else would the Shaolin monks, probably the most famous monks in the world, practice this powerful martial art? Kung Fu emphasizes deep and profound methods of concentration.
4. It can be practiced at any age. How is this possible? Because the many different branches of Kung Fu are actually varied enough to offer something even into your nineties. Many styles are famous for the longevity of their masters.
5. It has no belts and does not necessarily participate in competitions. Ranking and competing are all up to each school's head instructor but unlike Karate and Judo which are Japanese arts, Kung Fu had no belt system until recently and even now many schools do not offer any ranking.
There are more styles of Kung Fu that all other forms of traditional martial arts combined. The styles vary according to location, family name, animal form and even name of legends like the subject of the popular Disney film, Mu Lan (a real person, by the way). Styles have great names like Tiger and the Crane, Drunken Monkey and the Praying Mantis. They come in all kinds of skills from acrobatic to extremely controlled with a lot of emphasis on each student maintaining his individuality and discovering his own unique abilities.
It's like a great film where all the parts work perfectly together, Kung Fu is a combination of talents and topics that's been 3000 years in the making and still showing at studios near you.

Monday, September 29, 2014
Conor McGregor Joe Rogan Admits Conor McGregor Ran From Nate Diaz MMA LIFE SHOP
I remember watching a demonstration near the world-famous Shaolin Temple in China. After gasping at some amazing athletes a little old man, easily in his seventies, and wearing loose, faded, blue clothing walked out onto the carpet. He saluted the audience then began to show off a classical Shaolin form. His movements were precise and compact demonstrating something he had practiced for decades. Suddenly, he bent one leg while keeping the other out straight and touched the ground with his elbow. Then, still in that low stance position, he moved his elbow along the ground like a snake. That was just the beginning: high kicks followed, punches, turns and twists. I found myself thinking, "This is like Yoga only he's moving through all those postures, not posing in them, and he's got power, too."
The Chinese believe that family happiness is "Five generations under one roof." Unlike modern people they don't hide their old folk away and, consequently, observe just what aging really is. Over the centuries they built all that into their Kung Fu because- frankly - what is the point of beating opponents but losing to nature? The Kung Fu masters discovered some simple but amazing principles for getting Nature on your side. Here are a few of them...
Bend Your Knees. Trainers always say that an athlete loses his legs first. Walking is, of course, great but it neglects one thing: balance. But if we bend our knees we have to balance at a lower level. In Kung Fu we practice the Horse Stance. Keep your feet parallel a little farther apart than shoulder width, flex your knees a little, then count to ten. Don't do it for too long. True, people training in Kung Fu keep this position for twenty minutes and more but you don't need that. Remain motionless for the whole count. In this case the lack of movement prevents you twisting your knees in the wrong direction or some other such liability.
Drop your breathing. When we watch older people we notice that their breath is often very high in the chest. When you go down into your Horse Stance, hold the position but don't hold your breath. Stand there and breath the air down, imagining it going into your stomach. Instead of the upper chest try to make the air move to your tummy. Practicing this way with bent legs and low breathing, you'll never look like a bird walking around.
Keep a Lively Waist. Once you are in the Horse Stance put your hands on your hips and turn your upper body a little gently from left to right and back. This addresses the third criterion of fighting age: keep the lower back limber and flexible. This method assures you--without straining--the ability to do just that. Relax your waist to turn and your back will naturally get the benefits of the gentle wringing actions. Kung Fu is over 3000 years old. It is highly esteemed by the Chinese as not only a good way to deal with aging but also something INTERESTING enough to keep you practicing (another big concern). Try these exercises and introduce yourself to Kung Fu's famous benefits.

The Chinese believe that family happiness is "Five generations under one roof." Unlike modern people they don't hide their old folk away and, consequently, observe just what aging really is. Over the centuries they built all that into their Kung Fu because- frankly - what is the point of beating opponents but losing to nature? The Kung Fu masters discovered some simple but amazing principles for getting Nature on your side. Here are a few of them...
Bend Your Knees. Trainers always say that an athlete loses his legs first. Walking is, of course, great but it neglects one thing: balance. But if we bend our knees we have to balance at a lower level. In Kung Fu we practice the Horse Stance. Keep your feet parallel a little farther apart than shoulder width, flex your knees a little, then count to ten. Don't do it for too long. True, people training in Kung Fu keep this position for twenty minutes and more but you don't need that. Remain motionless for the whole count. In this case the lack of movement prevents you twisting your knees in the wrong direction or some other such liability.
Drop your breathing. When we watch older people we notice that their breath is often very high in the chest. When you go down into your Horse Stance, hold the position but don't hold your breath. Stand there and breath the air down, imagining it going into your stomach. Instead of the upper chest try to make the air move to your tummy. Practicing this way with bent legs and low breathing, you'll never look like a bird walking around.
Keep a Lively Waist. Once you are in the Horse Stance put your hands on your hips and turn your upper body a little gently from left to right and back. This addresses the third criterion of fighting age: keep the lower back limber and flexible. This method assures you--without straining--the ability to do just that. Relax your waist to turn and your back will naturally get the benefits of the gentle wringing actions. Kung Fu is over 3000 years old. It is highly esteemed by the Chinese as not only a good way to deal with aging but also something INTERESTING enough to keep you practicing (another big concern). Try these exercises and introduce yourself to Kung Fu's famous benefits.

Sunday, September 28, 2014
MMA Don?t Buy A Samurai Sword Before Reading This MMA LIFE SHOP
Nobody wants to be played a fool. I know I don?t. When I started shopping for a samurai blade that was worthy of my appreciation and my pockets, I had to consider the array of traps that any sword collector is being lured in today. Stainless steel blades with an ?authentic? hamon and cheap fittings predominate the market and can lure any beginner into separating themselves with their hard earned cash.
If You Don?t Pay Attention to These Details You Will be Cheated Out of Your Money
We need to discuss types of steel and technologies of making. Stainless steel blades are brittle, due to the higher chromium and low carbon content and added alloys. This type of steel is only meant for iaito blades (dull edge, can?t practice cutting and ZERO collectible value) or display purposes. Then we have Spring Steel swords. Blades made from this steel can be quality if they are differentially forged (you will often see these technical details - HRC60 edge, HRC40 back). That means that the edge is harder than the body, which gives the samurai sword its durability (softer steel is more flexible) but yet permits it to retain cutting power (harder steel allows for better cutting capabilities). Swords in this category are medium priced from $200-900.
Finally, you have the tamahagane steel, which is actually softer than both other types of steel, but due to forging and folding process, it allows for the blade to be extremely strong yet flexible. This type of steel is what traditional samurai swords are made of and it allows for great polishing and distinctive hamon (the pattern on the edge of the blade formed during clay tempering). These swords are usually priced above $1000.
Forging, Folding and Clay Tempering.
Authentic samurai swords and such made in high quality forges undergo 3 processes ? forging, folding and clay tempering. Forging and folding allow make the blade extremely strong. Clay tempering is what allows for the differential hardness of the edge and the body. Expect low price swords to only be forged. Medium priced swords must definitely be at least forged and clay tempered, while high priced swords are folded as well. The folding of steel is what makes the patterns on a samurai sword. The patterns, including the hamon are what most swords are priced on. Even if your sword is not made by an authentic Japanese sword smith you should always look blades that are at least spring steel, forged and clay tempered, preferably hand polished as well. Polishing reveals the hamon, and every cheap blade is actually machine polished and the hamon is added by a machine as well, making it worthless.
Good luck with your katana shopping.
By Anton Borissov,
Director and Owner of Khan Arms
The Trusted Source for Samurai Swords and Armor

If You Don?t Pay Attention to These Details You Will be Cheated Out of Your Money
We need to discuss types of steel and technologies of making. Stainless steel blades are brittle, due to the higher chromium and low carbon content and added alloys. This type of steel is only meant for iaito blades (dull edge, can?t practice cutting and ZERO collectible value) or display purposes. Then we have Spring Steel swords. Blades made from this steel can be quality if they are differentially forged (you will often see these technical details - HRC60 edge, HRC40 back). That means that the edge is harder than the body, which gives the samurai sword its durability (softer steel is more flexible) but yet permits it to retain cutting power (harder steel allows for better cutting capabilities). Swords in this category are medium priced from $200-900.
Finally, you have the tamahagane steel, which is actually softer than both other types of steel, but due to forging and folding process, it allows for the blade to be extremely strong yet flexible. This type of steel is what traditional samurai swords are made of and it allows for great polishing and distinctive hamon (the pattern on the edge of the blade formed during clay tempering). These swords are usually priced above $1000.
Forging, Folding and Clay Tempering.
Authentic samurai swords and such made in high quality forges undergo 3 processes ? forging, folding and clay tempering. Forging and folding allow make the blade extremely strong. Clay tempering is what allows for the differential hardness of the edge and the body. Expect low price swords to only be forged. Medium priced swords must definitely be at least forged and clay tempered, while high priced swords are folded as well. The folding of steel is what makes the patterns on a samurai sword. The patterns, including the hamon are what most swords are priced on. Even if your sword is not made by an authentic Japanese sword smith you should always look blades that are at least spring steel, forged and clay tempered, preferably hand polished as well. Polishing reveals the hamon, and every cheap blade is actually machine polished and the hamon is added by a machine as well, making it worthless.
Good luck with your katana shopping.
By Anton Borissov,
Director and Owner of Khan Arms
The Trusted Source for Samurai Swords and Armor

MMA Conor McGregor Ripped by Jose Aldo in Bizarre New Post-UFC 196 Attack | Bleacher Report MMA LIFE SHOP
If you are interested in mixed martial arts then it is darn important that you look into MMA lessons. A lot of people think just because they may be a tough person or perhaps have been in a fight or two in their lives that they can simply jump in the ring and do just fine. Well nothing could be further from the truth. NOT everyone that is tough or has been in a fight before can get in the ring with a real pro fighter and do alright, in fact there's a good chance that they will end up getting their butt kicked.
The worst mistake anyone interested in mixed martial arts can make is not looking into MMA lessons. I know a lot of you out there are very head strong and have a lot of confidence, and that's a good thing but do not let that blind you to the fact that you along with everyone else needs to learn. Even pro fighters still train and learn from their trainers who have been in the game longer than they have.
MMA lessons are NOT just for people who have never heard of mixed martial arts before. They are for every one of every level of experience to hone in techniques and styles to get you ready for the ring. It's also an incredible workout for anyone looking to get into shape. You can get into some MMA lessons and you will end up working muscles you didn't even know you had! Believe it or not it is one of the best workouts you can get, forget about the Bowflex, forget about gym memberships, you will be worked to death, but in a good way.
If you're serious about professional fighting or even just curious about it, it is a great idea to find a gym that offers MMA lessons. They will give you a good look into what you are going to be doing and what it really takes to get into pro fighting. Most gyms will also offer you a chance to sit in on a class or two so you can observe before you actually dive in. This works great for some people who are still on the fence about MMA.
Just like any other decision in life you want to know what you're getting into before you jump in. If you are confused or concerned about what MMA lessons entail then ask around and you will find a sit in class to see what these students do on a daily basis. Don't worry if you see some students doing things you don't know if you are capable of yet or not because there are different levels of lessons, like beginner, intermediate and advanced.
MMA lessons can be great for anyone and everyone looking to work out or get into mixed martial arts. Many gyms all over the country offer different levels of classes so simply look into your local gym and ask around. Before you know it you could be in your very own MMA lesson.

The worst mistake anyone interested in mixed martial arts can make is not looking into MMA lessons. I know a lot of you out there are very head strong and have a lot of confidence, and that's a good thing but do not let that blind you to the fact that you along with everyone else needs to learn. Even pro fighters still train and learn from their trainers who have been in the game longer than they have.
MMA lessons are NOT just for people who have never heard of mixed martial arts before. They are for every one of every level of experience to hone in techniques and styles to get you ready for the ring. It's also an incredible workout for anyone looking to get into shape. You can get into some MMA lessons and you will end up working muscles you didn't even know you had! Believe it or not it is one of the best workouts you can get, forget about the Bowflex, forget about gym memberships, you will be worked to death, but in a good way.
If you're serious about professional fighting or even just curious about it, it is a great idea to find a gym that offers MMA lessons. They will give you a good look into what you are going to be doing and what it really takes to get into pro fighting. Most gyms will also offer you a chance to sit in on a class or two so you can observe before you actually dive in. This works great for some people who are still on the fence about MMA.
Just like any other decision in life you want to know what you're getting into before you jump in. If you are confused or concerned about what MMA lessons entail then ask around and you will find a sit in class to see what these students do on a daily basis. Don't worry if you see some students doing things you don't know if you are capable of yet or not because there are different levels of lessons, like beginner, intermediate and advanced.
MMA lessons can be great for anyone and everyone looking to work out or get into mixed martial arts. Many gyms all over the country offer different levels of classes so simply look into your local gym and ask around. Before you know it you could be in your very own MMA lesson.

Conor McGregor Conor McGregor Makes Violent Prediction For UFC 202 MMA LIFE SHOP
The proper equipment in Jiu Jitsu should be worn at all times for that safety of the fighter and those she or he will compete in opposition to. This is the reason that this really is inspected by the judges before a match up is about to begin.
But what gear do you need to have in order to compete in Jiu Jitsu? The great news is that you don't require lots of stuff. Just ensure that you have every thing that's needed.
First, you must have a Gi that is a conventional martial arts uniform with sleeves no more than a fist distance up the arm from the waist. This may give you and your opponent the chance to seize maintain from the other because grappling is one way of scoring a stage.
If there is blood or there is a tear, this has to be changed immediately otherwise the fighter forfeits the match up.
For individuals that wish to spar, you will need gloves and ft protectors so that you do not inflict any severe harm on your sparring companion. In the event you would like to complete complete contact sparring, you will require some proper boxing gloves.
These are available in each open and closed palm styles. In buy for this to be licensed, it must have at minimum a fifty percent inch of medium to soft foam.
To stop broken jaws, you should also use a mouth guard because accidents do happen and also you might get strike fairly hard within the facial region especially within the mouth. The same goes for males who might get strike within the groin. Thankfully, you should purchase a groin protector.
Even though a sports activities bra isn't extremely thick, this is one thing women should have so they don?t feel any discomfort in fight and embarrassment ought to all the grappling make one side from the Gi come off.
You may also use a heavy bag to practice your punches. Ideally, this should weigh a hundred pounds and measures 6 ft in height so that whenever you aren't sparring, you are able to apply other techniques.
Helmets are only mandatory for fighters beneath the age of 16 but anyone who desires to use it will be permitted to so. Correct after all, the padding towards the head will guard your ears, eyes and brow in the occasion of a frontal strike.
Even though Jiu Jitsu is very best practiced many times and in the ring, you are able to discover a few methods which you are able to use by viewing movies on how other people do it. You can purchase the DVD or watch this via the net particularly when you don?t need to pay a thing.
Most Jiu Jitsu gear is offered individually but you will find some retailers that sell these in sets which consists of the sparing mitt, shin guards and boots. These are obtainable in numerous sizes and designs so you are certain to seek out something you want.
All Jiu Jitsu gear must not contain something metal or plastic particularly when this is what you will use against your opponent. Maintain in thoughts that even though this can be a get in touch with activity, you are not there to inflict any severe damage.
Turning into a great Jiu Jitsu fighter is not easy and also you will need to practice genuine hard so you can win during the tournament. If you would like other issues to assist enhance your skills, ask your teacher about it so she or he can point you within the right direction.

But what gear do you need to have in order to compete in Jiu Jitsu? The great news is that you don't require lots of stuff. Just ensure that you have every thing that's needed.
First, you must have a Gi that is a conventional martial arts uniform with sleeves no more than a fist distance up the arm from the waist. This may give you and your opponent the chance to seize maintain from the other because grappling is one way of scoring a stage.
If there is blood or there is a tear, this has to be changed immediately otherwise the fighter forfeits the match up.
For individuals that wish to spar, you will need gloves and ft protectors so that you do not inflict any severe harm on your sparring companion. In the event you would like to complete complete contact sparring, you will require some proper boxing gloves.
These are available in each open and closed palm styles. In buy for this to be licensed, it must have at minimum a fifty percent inch of medium to soft foam.
To stop broken jaws, you should also use a mouth guard because accidents do happen and also you might get strike fairly hard within the facial region especially within the mouth. The same goes for males who might get strike within the groin. Thankfully, you should purchase a groin protector.
Even though a sports activities bra isn't extremely thick, this is one thing women should have so they don?t feel any discomfort in fight and embarrassment ought to all the grappling make one side from the Gi come off.
You may also use a heavy bag to practice your punches. Ideally, this should weigh a hundred pounds and measures 6 ft in height so that whenever you aren't sparring, you are able to apply other techniques.
Helmets are only mandatory for fighters beneath the age of 16 but anyone who desires to use it will be permitted to so. Correct after all, the padding towards the head will guard your ears, eyes and brow in the occasion of a frontal strike.
Even though Jiu Jitsu is very best practiced many times and in the ring, you are able to discover a few methods which you are able to use by viewing movies on how other people do it. You can purchase the DVD or watch this via the net particularly when you don?t need to pay a thing.
Most Jiu Jitsu gear is offered individually but you will find some retailers that sell these in sets which consists of the sparing mitt, shin guards and boots. These are obtainable in numerous sizes and designs so you are certain to seek out something you want.
All Jiu Jitsu gear must not contain something metal or plastic particularly when this is what you will use against your opponent. Maintain in thoughts that even though this can be a get in touch with activity, you are not there to inflict any severe damage.
Turning into a great Jiu Jitsu fighter is not easy and also you will need to practice genuine hard so you can win during the tournament. If you would like other issues to assist enhance your skills, ask your teacher about it so she or he can point you within the right direction.

Saturday, September 27, 2014
MMA 3 Ways To Accelerate Your Mma Training (part I) MMA LIFE SHOP
As an MMA trainer & instructor there is not one day that goes by without someone asking the question.
?How long until I can turn Pro? or When will I be ready for the UFC??
I can not tell you how many times I have heard that question. How do I answer such a loaded question? I mean how long does it take to become proficient in anything? Most who ask this question are looking for a fast track or magic pill that will make them an MMA Champion over night. FYI, that magic pill does not exist, and believing that it does will have you searching down the wrong path for MMA success. In the past I would laugh to myself then ask the person in front of me how long it would take them to become a rock star or win an Oscar? Seems that was not the answer that they were looking for so I decided to really come up with a few basic rules that can help anyone to accelerate their MMA learning curve.
Below you will discover what I now share with everyone seeking to accelerate their MMA training. The principals that are outlined are exactly the same ones that I have taught to many of todays' MMA Champions and trainers. By using the base principals outlined in this article I have also helped dozens of everyday people just like you jump start their MMA training and career. Now you too have these exact same concepts in your hands.
Are you ready to finally achieve those hard fought MMA goals? If so, read on and apply the following to your own MMA training ?
1. Leave your ego at the door
Any pre-conceived notions of fighting techniques, training methods, MMA culture ... should be cleared out of your mind before any MMA session. You will find your true self through MMA so do not let the cocky, know-it-all, done that before attitude invade your thoughts or actions. An open beginners mind is conducive to learning, absorbing and implementing the myriad of skill sets needed to master MMA.
One of the biggest barriers to learning is thinking that you know everything already. It often boggles the mind how people without any prior experience, knowledge or success in any combat art form believe that MMA is where they can make their fame & fortune. Remember that just because you play John Madden NFL on video does not mean that you will suit up any time soon for an actual NFL team.
Every time that you go to the gym to train you should have a reason for doing so:
So that like solving a never ending puzzle that is slowly being filled in piece by piece by the time spent working on it. Whenever you hear yourself or anyone for that matter trying to shame you with fear, ignorance or negative talk ... do not forget that you already left that voice at the door on your way in. Stop it clear your mind, focus and remember why you are there, to learn.

?How long until I can turn Pro? or When will I be ready for the UFC??
I can not tell you how many times I have heard that question. How do I answer such a loaded question? I mean how long does it take to become proficient in anything? Most who ask this question are looking for a fast track or magic pill that will make them an MMA Champion over night. FYI, that magic pill does not exist, and believing that it does will have you searching down the wrong path for MMA success. In the past I would laugh to myself then ask the person in front of me how long it would take them to become a rock star or win an Oscar? Seems that was not the answer that they were looking for so I decided to really come up with a few basic rules that can help anyone to accelerate their MMA learning curve.
Below you will discover what I now share with everyone seeking to accelerate their MMA training. The principals that are outlined are exactly the same ones that I have taught to many of todays' MMA Champions and trainers. By using the base principals outlined in this article I have also helped dozens of everyday people just like you jump start their MMA training and career. Now you too have these exact same concepts in your hands.
Are you ready to finally achieve those hard fought MMA goals? If so, read on and apply the following to your own MMA training ?
1. Leave your ego at the door
Any pre-conceived notions of fighting techniques, training methods, MMA culture ... should be cleared out of your mind before any MMA session. You will find your true self through MMA so do not let the cocky, know-it-all, done that before attitude invade your thoughts or actions. An open beginners mind is conducive to learning, absorbing and implementing the myriad of skill sets needed to master MMA.
One of the biggest barriers to learning is thinking that you know everything already. It often boggles the mind how people without any prior experience, knowledge or success in any combat art form believe that MMA is where they can make their fame & fortune. Remember that just because you play John Madden NFL on video does not mean that you will suit up any time soon for an actual NFL team.
Every time that you go to the gym to train you should have a reason for doing so:
- learn a certain technique
- increase strength, conditioning, focus ...
- work on rhythm, timing, movements ...
- rebuilding your body
- muscle memory mobility drills...
- mental imagery, positive self talk, breathing ...
So that like solving a never ending puzzle that is slowly being filled in piece by piece by the time spent working on it. Whenever you hear yourself or anyone for that matter trying to shame you with fear, ignorance or negative talk ... do not forget that you already left that voice at the door on your way in. Stop it clear your mind, focus and remember why you are there, to learn.

Conor McGregor UFC's Conor McGregor Warns Floyd Mayweather Jr. About Playing Race Card | News | BET MMA LIFE SHOP
Quicker punching helps you hit your opponent more quickly, with less effort, and gives you more time to react and avoid being hit. Furthermore the great news is that punching speed can be increased through hard training. Power can be devastating for mixed martial artist but it becomes meaningless if you are slow and unable to land a quick jab on your opponent. Developing a quicker punch will lead you to a victory in the octagon. Drills and equipments can assist you in developing your punching speed and reflexes.
Paper Drill
Most people don't know that paper can be used to increase your punching speed. As the paper drops, try striking it as fast as you can. The more time you invest into speed hitting, the quicker your hands react. Paper is cheap and you can pick some up anywhere so you don't have any excuses to do this drill!
Candle Drill
One simple way to develop your quickness is to light a candle and then try to extinguish it using the speed of your punch. Spending some time on this practice may gradually increase your punching speed to a high degree.
Blocking Drill
To perform this exercise you need to have a partner. Let your partner attempt to block your punch as you deliver it using your fullest speed. However, if it happens that your partner is unable to block your punch make sure you can halt your punch about 1/4-inch from his face.A?
Punching Pads
Punching pads can be use to intensify your speed and heavy punching. If you are working out with one pad, have your partner hold the pad in front of him. Whenever you attempt to punch it, he should try to make you miss and make the pad move either up or down. Performing it with two pads can also be an effective practice.A?
Wooden Dummy
A wooden dummy can be used to develop your punching speed. This way, you will be able to feel the sensation of hitting something in the fastest way. However, using this equipment, will damage your hands if they are not conditioned for hitting solid and hard objects. Anyway, through continues practice your hands will gradually numb and become used to hitting a wooden dummy.
Speed Bag
The most effective way to develop the speed of your punches with precise accuracy is achieved through using the traditional speed bag. When hitting the speed bag, you should be quick in using your hands. Also, you have to hit the target utterly in order for it to directly bounce back to you.
As Bruce Lee instructs on how to use a speed bag, he said;
"In the beginning, use both hands to punch the bag and stand with your feet parallel but comfortably apart. Hit the bag straight, using your nose as the guiding point. The most valuable feature of the bag is that it compels you to hit directly and crisply so it returns to you sharply. You cannot hit the bag if you punch from your hip; it takes too long to react. And you are liable to be hit in the face since your hands will not be able to protect your head from the oncoming bag."

Paper Drill
Most people don't know that paper can be used to increase your punching speed. As the paper drops, try striking it as fast as you can. The more time you invest into speed hitting, the quicker your hands react. Paper is cheap and you can pick some up anywhere so you don't have any excuses to do this drill!
Candle Drill
One simple way to develop your quickness is to light a candle and then try to extinguish it using the speed of your punch. Spending some time on this practice may gradually increase your punching speed to a high degree.
Blocking Drill
To perform this exercise you need to have a partner. Let your partner attempt to block your punch as you deliver it using your fullest speed. However, if it happens that your partner is unable to block your punch make sure you can halt your punch about 1/4-inch from his face.A?
Punching Pads
Punching pads can be use to intensify your speed and heavy punching. If you are working out with one pad, have your partner hold the pad in front of him. Whenever you attempt to punch it, he should try to make you miss and make the pad move either up or down. Performing it with two pads can also be an effective practice.A?
Wooden Dummy
A wooden dummy can be used to develop your punching speed. This way, you will be able to feel the sensation of hitting something in the fastest way. However, using this equipment, will damage your hands if they are not conditioned for hitting solid and hard objects. Anyway, through continues practice your hands will gradually numb and become used to hitting a wooden dummy.
Speed Bag
The most effective way to develop the speed of your punches with precise accuracy is achieved through using the traditional speed bag. When hitting the speed bag, you should be quick in using your hands. Also, you have to hit the target utterly in order for it to directly bounce back to you.
As Bruce Lee instructs on how to use a speed bag, he said;
"In the beginning, use both hands to punch the bag and stand with your feet parallel but comfortably apart. Hit the bag straight, using your nose as the guiding point. The most valuable feature of the bag is that it compels you to hit directly and crisply so it returns to you sharply. You cannot hit the bag if you punch from your hip; it takes too long to react. And you are liable to be hit in the face since your hands will not be able to protect your head from the oncoming bag."

Friday, September 26, 2014
MMA ‘Notorious Nick’ Martial Arts Biopic Launches Indiegogo Campaign MMA LIFE SHOP
Providing safety and protection for the family is not an easy task especially now that there are so many ways wherein criminals can instantly steal something away from you. If only surveillance cameras are installed everywhere, the incidence of crimes and other forms of violence will probably be lessened. Not only that, gone will be the fear that every individual is carrying as he steps outside his home.
So many days and years have passed and still the government is having difficulty from surpassing any problems concerning the welfare of the society. As you can all see, many individuals are trapped inside their own homes afraid to come out because they might become the next victims of criminals. This is reality and we should all bravely face it. If we will not act and teach ourselves with the right self defense skills, we will be depriving ourselves from enjoying what is in store for us in this world.
Everything begins at our home. The important values and lessons are learned in our own homes. It is a must that parents focus on how to teach their children with discipline, respect for elders, and the different self defense methods. They will all carry what they have learned at home when they are already exposed to the society. If you are a responsible parent who is very concerned with the children's future, then better start doing your roles and instruct the little ones with moral values and train them to become good warriors.
There are ways wherein you can keep your home protected at all times. The single most important and powerful self defense is your cognitive thinking, in general, your brain. If you begin to panic, you lose focus and concentration disabling you to defend yourself and your family. However, if you use your head and think of ways on how you could escape from the hands of criminals attacking your home, you will definitely succeed.
One very effective self defense that you can apply once your home is under attack or is invaded by criminals is through learning any forms of Martial Arts. Even you cannot spare some time from visiting a certain martial arts school, you can buy DVD's or instructional videos that way you can just watch them and train yourself at the comfort of your own home.
Other self defense that you can use and learn to use is the self defense weapons like the taser, stun gun and pepper spray. They can easily be learned since these types of devices are user friendly. Keeping a self defense weapon at home ensures you and your family to be safe and protected.
All the more, learning martial arts or perhaps with the use of self defense becomes useless if you do not use your initiative and think of probable ways wherein you can manage to escape. Saying it and doing it are different. So when you assure your family of a safe stay at home, better start practicing on how to focus and concentrate when faced in a life threatening situation. It is better to have tried rather than not doing anything to even defend yourself and your family.

So many days and years have passed and still the government is having difficulty from surpassing any problems concerning the welfare of the society. As you can all see, many individuals are trapped inside their own homes afraid to come out because they might become the next victims of criminals. This is reality and we should all bravely face it. If we will not act and teach ourselves with the right self defense skills, we will be depriving ourselves from enjoying what is in store for us in this world.
Everything begins at our home. The important values and lessons are learned in our own homes. It is a must that parents focus on how to teach their children with discipline, respect for elders, and the different self defense methods. They will all carry what they have learned at home when they are already exposed to the society. If you are a responsible parent who is very concerned with the children's future, then better start doing your roles and instruct the little ones with moral values and train them to become good warriors.
There are ways wherein you can keep your home protected at all times. The single most important and powerful self defense is your cognitive thinking, in general, your brain. If you begin to panic, you lose focus and concentration disabling you to defend yourself and your family. However, if you use your head and think of ways on how you could escape from the hands of criminals attacking your home, you will definitely succeed.
One very effective self defense that you can apply once your home is under attack or is invaded by criminals is through learning any forms of Martial Arts. Even you cannot spare some time from visiting a certain martial arts school, you can buy DVD's or instructional videos that way you can just watch them and train yourself at the comfort of your own home.
Other self defense that you can use and learn to use is the self defense weapons like the taser, stun gun and pepper spray. They can easily be learned since these types of devices are user friendly. Keeping a self defense weapon at home ensures you and your family to be safe and protected.
All the more, learning martial arts or perhaps with the use of self defense becomes useless if you do not use your initiative and think of probable ways wherein you can manage to escape. Saying it and doing it are different. So when you assure your family of a safe stay at home, better start practicing on how to focus and concentrate when faced in a life threatening situation. It is better to have tried rather than not doing anything to even defend yourself and your family.

Conor McGregor Vegan UFC Fighter Nate Diaz Beats Conor McGregor in Shock Victory | Rise of the Vegan MMA LIFE SHOP
When you think about learning self defense, you may initially feel overwhelmed. There are many different kinds of self defense to choose from. There is martial arts self defense; there are self defense DVD programs; there is reality based self defense. The list really goes on and on. The thing you have to keep in mind is your ultimate goal. Are you just looking to get fit (in which case, martial arts self defense is great)? Are you looking to really take your personal safety in your own hands and make sure you can face any situation (in which case, you want something reality based and brutally intense)?
Once you have chosen the program that is right for your lifestyle, personality, and goals; you're well on your way. When you first begin a martial arts self defense program - or any self defense program really - your motivation is very high. You are being challenged and learning things that have meaning in your life. There is nothing like a great self defense program to give you confidence in yourself! Even self defense DVD programs that allow you to learn and practice at home give you valuable tools.
Here's a tip to help you gain as much knowledge and know-how as possible: revert back to your childhood and let your imagination flow. That's right, daydreaming can be oh so good for your progress in mastering martial arts self defense. Scientifically, we are visual beings. Our minds picture all sorts of things every single day; how we will look wearing that new jacket; what traffic will look like on the way to work or school. When it is time to give that presentation or ask for that promotion, our mind will picture how we will look and what we will say. The smart mind will go so far as to imagine a favorable outcome too!
The science behind visualization has been studied for decades; beginning back in the 1930's with neuro-muscular researcher Edmund Jacobson. In the initial research, it was found that there are parts of our brains and nervous systems that cannot tell the difference between something that is really happening and that which is well imagined and visualized. This principle is also used to support the Law of Attraction; but that's a whole different story. The point is that visualization has a lot of power to help you control that which happens in your life.
Thinking in terms of your martial arts self defense or fighting techniques; visualization can play a huge role in how you respond in a real life situation. For this reason, it is good to allow yourself the time to daydream a little; to see yourself holding off a would-be assailant; to see yourself disarming a bad guy wielding a knife. A safe outcome to a dangerous situation is possible, and if you spend time imagining your responses to specific scenarios - such as a grab from behind - you are more likely to react quickly and hit your mark when you do throw that punch or kick.
Daydreaming can do a lot for you when you learn to harness the power of visualization and focus it on your self defense techniques. Obviously, this all goes hand in hand with practice and hard work; but including visualization increases your skill significantly.

Once you have chosen the program that is right for your lifestyle, personality, and goals; you're well on your way. When you first begin a martial arts self defense program - or any self defense program really - your motivation is very high. You are being challenged and learning things that have meaning in your life. There is nothing like a great self defense program to give you confidence in yourself! Even self defense DVD programs that allow you to learn and practice at home give you valuable tools.
Here's a tip to help you gain as much knowledge and know-how as possible: revert back to your childhood and let your imagination flow. That's right, daydreaming can be oh so good for your progress in mastering martial arts self defense. Scientifically, we are visual beings. Our minds picture all sorts of things every single day; how we will look wearing that new jacket; what traffic will look like on the way to work or school. When it is time to give that presentation or ask for that promotion, our mind will picture how we will look and what we will say. The smart mind will go so far as to imagine a favorable outcome too!
The science behind visualization has been studied for decades; beginning back in the 1930's with neuro-muscular researcher Edmund Jacobson. In the initial research, it was found that there are parts of our brains and nervous systems that cannot tell the difference between something that is really happening and that which is well imagined and visualized. This principle is also used to support the Law of Attraction; but that's a whole different story. The point is that visualization has a lot of power to help you control that which happens in your life.
Thinking in terms of your martial arts self defense or fighting techniques; visualization can play a huge role in how you respond in a real life situation. For this reason, it is good to allow yourself the time to daydream a little; to see yourself holding off a would-be assailant; to see yourself disarming a bad guy wielding a knife. A safe outcome to a dangerous situation is possible, and if you spend time imagining your responses to specific scenarios - such as a grab from behind - you are more likely to react quickly and hit your mark when you do throw that punch or kick.
Daydreaming can do a lot for you when you learn to harness the power of visualization and focus it on your self defense techniques. Obviously, this all goes hand in hand with practice and hard work; but including visualization increases your skill significantly.

Thursday, September 25, 2014
UFC Getting Octagon ready to start the 1st @UFC of 2016... UFC 195... Let's Do This! #itstime MMA LIFE SHOP
From the history to its definition and its styles, there is absolutely more to learn about Kung Fu than could possibly be discussed here now. It has become popular among movies especially the ones that has Jet Li, Jackie Chan or the Legendary Bruce Lee in the lead role.
Kung Fu means Chinese Martial Arts as borrowed in the English terminology. However, its literal meaning is "wushu". "Wu" means martial and "shu" means skill or method, thus the term martial arts. This discipline is practiced for physical and spiritual growth and is also used as a method of self defense.
It is believed to have been practiced in China dating 4,000 some years ago. Known to be the earliest form of martial arts, it was created as a form of self defense during combat as conflicts were common between colonies. The man responsible for the introduction of this is an Indian monk known as Bodhidarma. In the Shaolin Monastery, he noticed that the monks usually fall asleep during meditation. Thus, he secluded himself from them and looked for a solution. After nine years of isolation, he was able to create this method which helped the monks develop a stronger mind and body.
As months progressed, it was developed and has been named as Chan. It was during the Tang Dynasty wherein the monks were officially trained to become martial artists so as to protect the wealth and property of the Shaolin Temple.
The training in the monastery then absorbed martial arts skills outside the temple. Then they were able to incorporate them into their training. After a few more studies and developments, they were also able to come up with the five animal styles of martial arts namely: dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and crane.
The Five Animal Styles
Each animal style has a specific purpose for development.
Dragon - the exercises done for this style is to enrich the spirit and produce flowing movements.
Tiger - it is done primarily to establish stronger bones in the body.
Leopard - just like the animal itself, it is practiced to enhance speed, strength and power.
Snake - it is used to practice correct breathing patterns to be able to develop the inner power and strike the weak spots of the enemy.
Crane -it is exercised to cultivate balance and footwork.
Using these all five of these styles together creates the Chinese martial arts form known as Shaolin Kung Fu which is still practiced in Shaolin monasteries up to this day.
In the modern era, Kung Fu training has been regenerated because of various combinations of techniques which were combined and passed on from one generation to another. However, it has not entirely changed because the traditional ways are still observed up to this day.
Kung Fu elicits numerous learning for a martial artist, as what the Shaolin monks have learned way back. Learning its ways will help you understand how they preserved and took care of its original ways even though it existed thousands of years ago. Moreover, it helps a person develop not only skills in self defense, but also a healthy mind and body.

Kung Fu means Chinese Martial Arts as borrowed in the English terminology. However, its literal meaning is "wushu". "Wu" means martial and "shu" means skill or method, thus the term martial arts. This discipline is practiced for physical and spiritual growth and is also used as a method of self defense.
It is believed to have been practiced in China dating 4,000 some years ago. Known to be the earliest form of martial arts, it was created as a form of self defense during combat as conflicts were common between colonies. The man responsible for the introduction of this is an Indian monk known as Bodhidarma. In the Shaolin Monastery, he noticed that the monks usually fall asleep during meditation. Thus, he secluded himself from them and looked for a solution. After nine years of isolation, he was able to create this method which helped the monks develop a stronger mind and body.
As months progressed, it was developed and has been named as Chan. It was during the Tang Dynasty wherein the monks were officially trained to become martial artists so as to protect the wealth and property of the Shaolin Temple.
The training in the monastery then absorbed martial arts skills outside the temple. Then they were able to incorporate them into their training. After a few more studies and developments, they were also able to come up with the five animal styles of martial arts namely: dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and crane.
The Five Animal Styles
Each animal style has a specific purpose for development.
Dragon - the exercises done for this style is to enrich the spirit and produce flowing movements.
Tiger - it is done primarily to establish stronger bones in the body.
Leopard - just like the animal itself, it is practiced to enhance speed, strength and power.
Snake - it is used to practice correct breathing patterns to be able to develop the inner power and strike the weak spots of the enemy.
Crane -it is exercised to cultivate balance and footwork.
Using these all five of these styles together creates the Chinese martial arts form known as Shaolin Kung Fu which is still practiced in Shaolin monasteries up to this day.
In the modern era, Kung Fu training has been regenerated because of various combinations of techniques which were combined and passed on from one generation to another. However, it has not entirely changed because the traditional ways are still observed up to this day.
Kung Fu elicits numerous learning for a martial artist, as what the Shaolin monks have learned way back. Learning its ways will help you understand how they preserved and took care of its original ways even though it existed thousands of years ago. Moreover, it helps a person develop not only skills in self defense, but also a healthy mind and body.

Conor McGregor Nate Diaz defeats Conor McGregor by submission in second round of UFC 196 main event MMA LIFE SHOP 2
It's common for people to enroll themselves or their children in a traditional martial arts program to cultivate "self-discipline," although they often can't really articulate what they mean by that word. They just know self-discipline is a good thing, and training in martial arts is supposed to build it, so they enroll themselves (or their children) in classes. However, they don't really stop to think how the process of building self-discipline works.
On a basic level, the structured environment of a well-run traditional martial arts class encourages the development of such basic social skills as courtesy and self-control. While a student may be able to function in a class setting, however, mere exposure to the structured environment doesn't automatically result in self-discipline. That comes through internal motivation, which comes from cultivating such life skills as perseverance (refusing to quit), integrity (being realistic about areas that need improvement), and above all indomitable spirit.
What is indomitable spirit? These words are often used as an interpretive translation of the Korean words baekjul boolgool. This phrase represents a complex concept and doesn't easily translate into English. A good approximation is "to be fully committed to fulfilling one's personal vision."
To fulfill a vision, a student must set and achieve a progressive set of goals. Rank progression in the traditional martial arts, provided it is linked to meaningful standards, provides an excellent context for learning how to set and achieve goals. For example, many new students will set the goal of reaching first degree black belt. To reach first degree, they first must achieve a series of intermediate goals (a set of color belt ranks). When a student learns to set goals for progression in their training, the next logical step in their personal growth is to apply these goal-setting skills outside the studio: education and career, relationships with others, and community citizenship.
Students need to know how to set goals that will lead to personal improvement rather than frustration. Whether or not they relate to martial arts, useful goals should fit the following criteria:
Specific: A goal should state in detail what you hope to achieve. "I want to earn a black belt someday" and "I want to lose weight" are not specific; "I want to test for blue belt at the next rank testing" and "I want to lose five pounds by the end of next month" are specific.
Motivating: A goal should lead to something desirable, whether it's a new belt, or the loss of 20 pounds, the honor roll at school, or a promotion at work. If there's no benefit to a goal, you'll have no incentive to work to achieve it.
Achievable: Your goal must be within the realm of possibility. Reaching black belt in 36 months, or losing eight pounds in a month, is possible for most people. However, earning a black belt in 12 months -- or losing 50 pounds in a month -- is not.
Relevant: Your goal needs to fit within your overall vision. For example, if you want to be a martial arts instructor, your goals should focus on building your teaching skills. For weight loss, focus on diet and exercise.
Trackable: You should be able to measure your progress toward reaching your goal. A martial arts belt (or a scale for those trying to lose weight) provides instant feedback on progress.
Setting goals using this formula makes them easier to achieve and the process of achieving them more encouraging.
So where does self-discipline enter the equation? It takes effort to achieve any goal that is worth setting, and sometimes setbacks can be discouraging. When a person is committed to achieving their vision, regardless of how hard it is to attain, they build the internal motivation necessary to succeed, and the commitment to achieve their goals without being prodded by others. This forms the foundation of self-discipline.
If you are a martial artist reading this, challenge yourself to expand the self-discipline you are developing through your training by setting goals outside martial arts. Start by asking yourself the following questions:
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to improve my academic or job performance?
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to become a better family member or friend?
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to be a better citizen of my community?
If you are not a martial artist, and you want to build self-discipline, consider beginning training. Traditional martial arts concerns self-improvement as much as self defense. Look for a studio that encourages you to set a vision for your personal growth, and guide you to set goals to fulfill that vision. A studio that only cares about physical skill is only providing half the training it should. The total-person approach to training is your first step to self-discipline, and ultimately to personal success.

On a basic level, the structured environment of a well-run traditional martial arts class encourages the development of such basic social skills as courtesy and self-control. While a student may be able to function in a class setting, however, mere exposure to the structured environment doesn't automatically result in self-discipline. That comes through internal motivation, which comes from cultivating such life skills as perseverance (refusing to quit), integrity (being realistic about areas that need improvement), and above all indomitable spirit.
What is indomitable spirit? These words are often used as an interpretive translation of the Korean words baekjul boolgool. This phrase represents a complex concept and doesn't easily translate into English. A good approximation is "to be fully committed to fulfilling one's personal vision."
To fulfill a vision, a student must set and achieve a progressive set of goals. Rank progression in the traditional martial arts, provided it is linked to meaningful standards, provides an excellent context for learning how to set and achieve goals. For example, many new students will set the goal of reaching first degree black belt. To reach first degree, they first must achieve a series of intermediate goals (a set of color belt ranks). When a student learns to set goals for progression in their training, the next logical step in their personal growth is to apply these goal-setting skills outside the studio: education and career, relationships with others, and community citizenship.
Students need to know how to set goals that will lead to personal improvement rather than frustration. Whether or not they relate to martial arts, useful goals should fit the following criteria:
Specific: A goal should state in detail what you hope to achieve. "I want to earn a black belt someday" and "I want to lose weight" are not specific; "I want to test for blue belt at the next rank testing" and "I want to lose five pounds by the end of next month" are specific.
Motivating: A goal should lead to something desirable, whether it's a new belt, or the loss of 20 pounds, the honor roll at school, or a promotion at work. If there's no benefit to a goal, you'll have no incentive to work to achieve it.
Achievable: Your goal must be within the realm of possibility. Reaching black belt in 36 months, or losing eight pounds in a month, is possible for most people. However, earning a black belt in 12 months -- or losing 50 pounds in a month -- is not.
Relevant: Your goal needs to fit within your overall vision. For example, if you want to be a martial arts instructor, your goals should focus on building your teaching skills. For weight loss, focus on diet and exercise.
Trackable: You should be able to measure your progress toward reaching your goal. A martial arts belt (or a scale for those trying to lose weight) provides instant feedback on progress.
Setting goals using this formula makes them easier to achieve and the process of achieving them more encouraging.
So where does self-discipline enter the equation? It takes effort to achieve any goal that is worth setting, and sometimes setbacks can be discouraging. When a person is committed to achieving their vision, regardless of how hard it is to attain, they build the internal motivation necessary to succeed, and the commitment to achieve their goals without being prodded by others. This forms the foundation of self-discipline.
If you are a martial artist reading this, challenge yourself to expand the self-discipline you are developing through your training by setting goals outside martial arts. Start by asking yourself the following questions:
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to improve my academic or job performance?
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to become a better family member or friend?
Over the next 30 days, what one thing can I do to be a better citizen of my community?
If you are not a martial artist, and you want to build self-discipline, consider beginning training. Traditional martial arts concerns self-improvement as much as self defense. Look for a studio that encourages you to set a vision for your personal growth, and guide you to set goals to fulfill that vision. A studio that only cares about physical skill is only providing half the training it should. The total-person approach to training is your first step to self-discipline, and ultimately to personal success.

@natediaz209 #UFC196 #mma #jiujitsu" MMA LIFE SHOP
In order to maintain proper nitric oxide levels in the body, it is important to regularly supplement your diet with nitric oxide supplements, as well as eat foods high in L-arginine and L-citruline. In addition to aiding nitric oxide production in the body, these two compounds may help lower blood pressure. To help you get enough L-arginine and L-citruline, I have compiled the top nine foods that contain large amounts of both compounds.
9. Soy
Not the best tasting thing in the world, but it's found in a lot of healthy foods. If you're looking to improve your diet and increase nitric oxide production at the same time, try eating some soy foods.
8. Garbanzo Beans
Garbanzo beans, though not the most appetizing snack, are quite healthy. In addition to containing large amounts of L-arginine, they are also good sources of dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
7. Melons
Melons are a great addition to any diet. They taste good, and are an excellent source of vitamin C. In addition to that, melons contain about 92% water by weight, which is great considering most people aren't adequately hydrated.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are an excellent snack, but unfortunately, an often overlooked one. In addition to being a great source of L-arginine, they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol.
5. Peanuts
I can't think of anyone who wouldn't eat peanuts if offered some. It's great that peanuts are such a prominent snack food, since they contain large amounts of L-arginine as well as protein and various healthy fats.
4. Red Meat
Red meat is a great choice to improve nitric oxide production in your body because so many people already like to eat it. Be careful though, red meat can be counterproductive since too much of it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Almonds
Along with peanuts and walnuts, almonds are another great choice for boosting your nitric oxide levels because they are a great snack food
2. Salmon
Salmon is a great addition to any diet because it is very lean and also helps nitric oxide production. So not only is it a great way to cut calories from your diet, it is good for long term cardiovascular health.
1. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is number one because it is also high up on the list for foods that provide antioxidants. It is a great substitute for other desserts if you have a nagging sweet tooth, since in addition to to being healthier than other kinds of chocolate, it also has ample amounts of L-arginine and antioxidants.

9. Soy
Not the best tasting thing in the world, but it's found in a lot of healthy foods. If you're looking to improve your diet and increase nitric oxide production at the same time, try eating some soy foods.
8. Garbanzo Beans
Garbanzo beans, though not the most appetizing snack, are quite healthy. In addition to containing large amounts of L-arginine, they are also good sources of dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
7. Melons
Melons are a great addition to any diet. They taste good, and are an excellent source of vitamin C. In addition to that, melons contain about 92% water by weight, which is great considering most people aren't adequately hydrated.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are an excellent snack, but unfortunately, an often overlooked one. In addition to being a great source of L-arginine, they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol.
5. Peanuts
I can't think of anyone who wouldn't eat peanuts if offered some. It's great that peanuts are such a prominent snack food, since they contain large amounts of L-arginine as well as protein and various healthy fats.
4. Red Meat
Red meat is a great choice to improve nitric oxide production in your body because so many people already like to eat it. Be careful though, red meat can be counterproductive since too much of it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Almonds
Along with peanuts and walnuts, almonds are another great choice for boosting your nitric oxide levels because they are a great snack food
2. Salmon
Salmon is a great addition to any diet because it is very lean and also helps nitric oxide production. So not only is it a great way to cut calories from your diet, it is good for long term cardiovascular health.
1. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is number one because it is also high up on the list for foods that provide antioxidants. It is a great substitute for other desserts if you have a nagging sweet tooth, since in addition to to being healthier than other kinds of chocolate, it also has ample amounts of L-arginine and antioxidants.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Conor McGregor Conor McGregor featured on first SI cover MMA LIFE SHOP
Ok when on the hunt for a great martial arts coach you really need to find some body with expert knowledge in their field of education; the martial art or arts, do they hold a black belt and do they have a black belt certificate or coaching qualification? If not run!
You need to watch the instructor skills; do they hum and mess up on demonstrating a move, method or technique or perform it like an expert. Also you need to look if they uphold martial arts tradition of discipline in class time but be fine and let students ask questions too?
All coaches need to have the points I just outlined for good coaching abilities.
The Instructor must continue to train and learn new knowledge all the time. Not just become the coach and never learn again, training in martial arts means continually progressing all the time to get to total perfection and a professional coach will do this.
Does the coach lead by example? Can they perform the moves, methods, kata's, jumping kicks etc they ask you to do, only with exemption to very old master instructors who have pictures and testimonials of they performing at the high level.
A great coach will always try to be on the mat training because that is what they have chosen to do as a career and they will love what they do, so are they mostly on the mat teaching or do they have a lower ranking student teach everyone instead. So the great instructors continue to professionally develop and put this in to their classes when teaching on the mat.
All good coaches must stay in shape and have great knowledge on conditioning and nutrient. They should understand the concepts in dieting for competition or weight loss to become optimal, to help their students and themselves too. hopefully your instructor will have some sort of fitness routine in their classes, if not they need to do some continued professional development to understand more new training methods and concepts to martial arts training like MMA or kickboxing for example. Lastly they need to stay in shape for the simple fact that students look up to their coaches for motivation.
In closing they should be able to answer any questions and walk the walk.
OK then so there you have it and quick fact file on what to look for in a expert martial arts instructor on many levels.

You need to watch the instructor skills; do they hum and mess up on demonstrating a move, method or technique or perform it like an expert. Also you need to look if they uphold martial arts tradition of discipline in class time but be fine and let students ask questions too?
All coaches need to have the points I just outlined for good coaching abilities.
The Instructor must continue to train and learn new knowledge all the time. Not just become the coach and never learn again, training in martial arts means continually progressing all the time to get to total perfection and a professional coach will do this.
Does the coach lead by example? Can they perform the moves, methods, kata's, jumping kicks etc they ask you to do, only with exemption to very old master instructors who have pictures and testimonials of they performing at the high level.
A great coach will always try to be on the mat training because that is what they have chosen to do as a career and they will love what they do, so are they mostly on the mat teaching or do they have a lower ranking student teach everyone instead. So the great instructors continue to professionally develop and put this in to their classes when teaching on the mat.
All good coaches must stay in shape and have great knowledge on conditioning and nutrient. They should understand the concepts in dieting for competition or weight loss to become optimal, to help their students and themselves too. hopefully your instructor will have some sort of fitness routine in their classes, if not they need to do some continued professional development to understand more new training methods and concepts to martial arts training like MMA or kickboxing for example. Lastly they need to stay in shape for the simple fact that students look up to their coaches for motivation.
In closing they should be able to answer any questions and walk the walk.
OK then so there you have it and quick fact file on what to look for in a expert martial arts instructor on many levels.

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If you do any kind of martial arts sparring, you know that protective gear is of the utmost importance. Any man who has the stones to go into a sparring match without a cup on, won?t have them for very long. There?s protective gear like the heavily padded ?foot gloves? that I wear when I?m teaching, so I don?t accidentally do a spin kick and take someone?s head off when they miss a block. But the protective gear I want to sing the praises of today are the martial arts sparring shoes.
Now, I use the martial arts shoe for two very simple reasons. The first is that after I did a series of practice bits against a wooden ?sparring dummy?, I walked out of the dojo on several bone-deep bruises in my feet. Now, bruises are the price you pay for any contact sport, including martial arts. Even a little bit of padding would?ve kept me from walking funny for two days. My friends and co-workers were making fun of my little mincing steps to avoid putting weight on the tops of my feet from a particularly nasty bruise ? almost a break in the bone.
The foot has so many small bones. And almost no meat. No fat. No protection. Poor bloodflow. At least mine do. Pain sticks attached to my ankles!
I guess I?m a slow learner. Two weeks later, I did the same practice drill and about pulped my big toe when I mis-judged the distance to the wingchun wooden dummy on a kick ? instead of hitting it with the arch of the foot, I did a direct ?full force kick? with the point of contact centered on the toe. The joint popped, the toe swelled up to twice its size, and only pure blind luck kept me from having a fracture.
OK, so kicking wooden dummies in bare feet is a dumb idea....
I went looking for things to save me from my own stupidity and found martial arts sparring shoes. Now, those sparring shoes are different from tourney foot pads. They?re light enough that you won?t develop compensatory habits to adjust for the weight?and while they don?t offer as much protection, it?s the difference between kicking a wooden dummy with your bare foot and kicking it with a pair of tennis shoes on.
On top of that, they also improve traction on the ground, and stability when doing routines and drills. Given how much I like Kung Fu styles, and how acrobatic they are, that extra traction was very appealing. While it?s not fun to be thrown on your ass by a sparring partner, it?s even less fun to do it on your own because you slipped.
Plus, to be honest, it was good to come home from a session in the dojo without feeling like I was being a sniveling, whiney brat because my feet hurt. Trust me, these things saved my marriage ? my wife was making fun of my new ?dance steps? when I was busy beating the crap out of my feet and whining about it when I had to take out the garbage.
Didn't I mention I can dance? That's for another article. She saw Dancing With The Stars and it was over. I don't know what hurts more, learning to tango or kicking that wooden dummy!

Now, I use the martial arts shoe for two very simple reasons. The first is that after I did a series of practice bits against a wooden ?sparring dummy?, I walked out of the dojo on several bone-deep bruises in my feet. Now, bruises are the price you pay for any contact sport, including martial arts. Even a little bit of padding would?ve kept me from walking funny for two days. My friends and co-workers were making fun of my little mincing steps to avoid putting weight on the tops of my feet from a particularly nasty bruise ? almost a break in the bone.
The foot has so many small bones. And almost no meat. No fat. No protection. Poor bloodflow. At least mine do. Pain sticks attached to my ankles!
I guess I?m a slow learner. Two weeks later, I did the same practice drill and about pulped my big toe when I mis-judged the distance to the wingchun wooden dummy on a kick ? instead of hitting it with the arch of the foot, I did a direct ?full force kick? with the point of contact centered on the toe. The joint popped, the toe swelled up to twice its size, and only pure blind luck kept me from having a fracture.
OK, so kicking wooden dummies in bare feet is a dumb idea....
I went looking for things to save me from my own stupidity and found martial arts sparring shoes. Now, those sparring shoes are different from tourney foot pads. They?re light enough that you won?t develop compensatory habits to adjust for the weight?and while they don?t offer as much protection, it?s the difference between kicking a wooden dummy with your bare foot and kicking it with a pair of tennis shoes on.
On top of that, they also improve traction on the ground, and stability when doing routines and drills. Given how much I like Kung Fu styles, and how acrobatic they are, that extra traction was very appealing. While it?s not fun to be thrown on your ass by a sparring partner, it?s even less fun to do it on your own because you slipped.
Plus, to be honest, it was good to come home from a session in the dojo without feeling like I was being a sniveling, whiney brat because my feet hurt. Trust me, these things saved my marriage ? my wife was making fun of my new ?dance steps? when I was busy beating the crap out of my feet and whining about it when I had to take out the garbage.
Didn't I mention I can dance? That's for another article. She saw Dancing With The Stars and it was over. I don't know what hurts more, learning to tango or kicking that wooden dummy!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
MMA How Self Defense Classes For Women Can Help You Feel Safe? MMA LIFE SHOP
What is the best security device for females? Should they keep non-conventional weapons like pepper spray or they should be allowed to carry pistols and revolvers? Allowing females to get arms training and giving them ammunitions could be harmful for even themselves. In this situation self defense classes for women is the only answer to female safety and security.
A woman trained in martial arts can take care of her and her belongings. Also she won't require to be trained for long time as she can practice the steps taught in her home. A few hours practice in a week is enough to revise the skills and lessons taught in the self defense class. The greatest advantage of martial arts training is that she would get the confidence to manage the situation on her own.
There are organizations that provide training in ancient fighting art free of cost. Concerned about female safety, these organizations call experts to train people who feel weak both from body and mind. Everyone has some hidden powers that one needs to recognize. Unsocial elements take advantage of the people's ignorance about their strength. When you know that you can beat even a stronger person with bare hands and feet, you would get the confidence to go out without any fear.
Self Defense Classes For Womenoffer real help to females as learning the art of defending yourself is the only way to lead a stress free life. You can't carry pistol everywhere but there is a danger to your personal liberty everywhere you go. For instance you can be attacked by a drunken friend or a distant relative could try taking advantage of your weak body. You have more fear at home and in neighborhood than in public places.
Self defense classes for women are taken by experts, who have earned a name and fame in martial arts practice. You would be taught how to defend yourself without hurting others and how to hit others without providing them a moment to hit back. The safety training would make you complete.
Since the self defense classes for women are free, you should take advantage of it and also inspires others to join the classes. After taking a few classes, you would feel positive change in your physical power and mental strength. Since you can practice the lessons at home, you need to attend the classes for long.

A woman trained in martial arts can take care of her and her belongings. Also she won't require to be trained for long time as she can practice the steps taught in her home. A few hours practice in a week is enough to revise the skills and lessons taught in the self defense class. The greatest advantage of martial arts training is that she would get the confidence to manage the situation on her own.
There are organizations that provide training in ancient fighting art free of cost. Concerned about female safety, these organizations call experts to train people who feel weak both from body and mind. Everyone has some hidden powers that one needs to recognize. Unsocial elements take advantage of the people's ignorance about their strength. When you know that you can beat even a stronger person with bare hands and feet, you would get the confidence to go out without any fear.
Self Defense Classes For Womenoffer real help to females as learning the art of defending yourself is the only way to lead a stress free life. You can't carry pistol everywhere but there is a danger to your personal liberty everywhere you go. For instance you can be attacked by a drunken friend or a distant relative could try taking advantage of your weak body. You have more fear at home and in neighborhood than in public places.
Self defense classes for women are taken by experts, who have earned a name and fame in martial arts practice. You would be taught how to defend yourself without hurting others and how to hit others without providing them a moment to hit back. The safety training would make you complete.
Since the self defense classes for women are free, you should take advantage of it and also inspires others to join the classes. After taking a few classes, you would feel positive change in your physical power and mental strength. Since you can practice the lessons at home, you need to attend the classes for long.

Conor McGregor Floyd Mayweather Gives Nate Diaz $1,000,000 For Defeating Conor McGregor | MMA LIFE SHOP
Martial arts have been around for many centuries. Over time, different styles developed in different countries, and every style was influenced by the culture and the different challenges that the country faced. Some styles were considered as a more striking based technique, while others tried to invalidate striking by training ground submissions and grappling techniques. Although the popularity of mixed martial arts has decreased the prominence of other styles, individual types of martial arts do still exist.
Muay Thai
Muay Thai is a striking style of martial art that started in Thailand in the early 1200s. There's no absolute written history of the Muay Thai fighting style before the twentieth century because the techniques were usually passed down orally. When the country was being invaded, compatriots had to protect themselves from the aggressors and the people had to defend their country because there were no functioning armed forces. The most common piece of weaponry at that time period were short-range shooting weapons such as knives and spears, so Muay Thai was intended to defend against these weapons as well as to utilize the natural limbs of the body, particularly the shins, knees, elbows and fists. Which is where the art of 8 limbs originated from. Muay Thai experts are very adept at close range fighting, and one preferred technique involves trapping the opponent's head in a clinch or plum and bringing it down forcefully to collide with upswinging knee strikes.
Jiu-jitsu is a grappling style of martial art that possibly started from Greek wrestling as well as pancration, one of the ancient Olympic events. Some jiu-jitsu tactics were introduced to Indians during the rule of Alexander the Great, around 356 B.C. After that time, this style was introduced in China with the prevalence of Buddhism, and then teachers traveled from China to Japan. Jiu-jitsu was then introduced in Brazil by a visitor from Japan, and the Gracie family became renowned for spreading the art form all over the United States and Brazil. This type of martial art is a grappling based technique that is intended for a smaller person in order to disable a stronger and larger attacker. It's almost like jiu-jitsu uses principles from both physics and engineering to make it more efficient and applicable. A person practicing jiu-jitsu will usually trip or grapple an opponent to the ground, referred to as a takedown, before he can utilize the combined strength of his legs and arms to either control the opponent or neutralize the enemy's neck, arm or leg by either choking them into unconsciousness or breaking a limb.
Capoeira is one of the types of martial arts that started in Africa more than 400 years ago when native people devised a self-defense technique to protect themselves and their territories against overlords and traders. Because they needed to keep their capoeira training hidden from those people in power, they disguised the style as a dance, which allowed them to exercise it openly without the fear of punishment. Capoeira is an acrobatic style that uses circular strikes and fluid movements to confuse the enemy. It is still taught as both a fighting style and a dance, depending on the type of martial art school you are attending. The style received more acknowledgements in the U.S. with the increase in popularity of action films and guess who, actor Wesley Snipes who uses capoeira in many of his renowned films.

Muay Thai
Muay Thai is a striking style of martial art that started in Thailand in the early 1200s. There's no absolute written history of the Muay Thai fighting style before the twentieth century because the techniques were usually passed down orally. When the country was being invaded, compatriots had to protect themselves from the aggressors and the people had to defend their country because there were no functioning armed forces. The most common piece of weaponry at that time period were short-range shooting weapons such as knives and spears, so Muay Thai was intended to defend against these weapons as well as to utilize the natural limbs of the body, particularly the shins, knees, elbows and fists. Which is where the art of 8 limbs originated from. Muay Thai experts are very adept at close range fighting, and one preferred technique involves trapping the opponent's head in a clinch or plum and bringing it down forcefully to collide with upswinging knee strikes.
Jiu-jitsu is a grappling style of martial art that possibly started from Greek wrestling as well as pancration, one of the ancient Olympic events. Some jiu-jitsu tactics were introduced to Indians during the rule of Alexander the Great, around 356 B.C. After that time, this style was introduced in China with the prevalence of Buddhism, and then teachers traveled from China to Japan. Jiu-jitsu was then introduced in Brazil by a visitor from Japan, and the Gracie family became renowned for spreading the art form all over the United States and Brazil. This type of martial art is a grappling based technique that is intended for a smaller person in order to disable a stronger and larger attacker. It's almost like jiu-jitsu uses principles from both physics and engineering to make it more efficient and applicable. A person practicing jiu-jitsu will usually trip or grapple an opponent to the ground, referred to as a takedown, before he can utilize the combined strength of his legs and arms to either control the opponent or neutralize the enemy's neck, arm or leg by either choking them into unconsciousness or breaking a limb.
Capoeira is one of the types of martial arts that started in Africa more than 400 years ago when native people devised a self-defense technique to protect themselves and their territories against overlords and traders. Because they needed to keep their capoeira training hidden from those people in power, they disguised the style as a dance, which allowed them to exercise it openly without the fear of punishment. Capoeira is an acrobatic style that uses circular strikes and fluid movements to confuse the enemy. It is still taught as both a fighting style and a dance, depending on the type of martial art school you are attending. The style received more acknowledgements in the U.S. with the increase in popularity of action films and guess who, actor Wesley Snipes who uses capoeira in many of his renowned films.

Monday, September 22, 2014
MMA Global mixed martial arts brand UFC sold for $4bn - Independent.ie MMA LIFE SHOP
Importance of Self-Defense
Self Defense. Remember Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is multi-faceted - 1) there's the sporttournament side to it 2) There's the MMA side and 3) The self-defensesave your butt side. This third facet is relevant as three of my friends were jumped outside a club last month while minding their own business. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, but do you think the result would have been different if they were training self defense week in and week out? In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we spar from 15-30 minutes live each session. You learn how to deal with the adrenaline and anxiety that accompany a real fight.
I like myself. Seriously, I do. But the one thing that I won't tolerate is feeling sorry for myself and making excuses for my results in life. In fact, I catch myself when I say things like "I just don't have the time for that." Look, you find time for the things you want to do. If you get a call that a $10k check is waiting for you, guess , you will find time to get it. Just be honest with yourself - if you've been putting off getting in shape, joining a gym or joining a martial arts school then admit it to yourself that right now in your life it's just not a big priority. Your 4 hrs a week on Facebook is a higher priority:). And if you're waiting till 2011 to NOT procrastinate, well you've missed the point!
I stand on the shoulders of many. To all who make Impact BJJ a great place to train, you have my continuous gratitude.

Self Defense. Remember Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is multi-faceted - 1) there's the sporttournament side to it 2) There's the MMA side and 3) The self-defensesave your butt side. This third facet is relevant as three of my friends were jumped outside a club last month while minding their own business. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, but do you think the result would have been different if they were training self defense week in and week out? In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we spar from 15-30 minutes live each session. You learn how to deal with the adrenaline and anxiety that accompany a real fight.
I like myself. Seriously, I do. But the one thing that I won't tolerate is feeling sorry for myself and making excuses for my results in life. In fact, I catch myself when I say things like "I just don't have the time for that." Look, you find time for the things you want to do. If you get a call that a $10k check is waiting for you, guess , you will find time to get it. Just be honest with yourself - if you've been putting off getting in shape, joining a gym or joining a martial arts school then admit it to yourself that right now in your life it's just not a big priority. Your 4 hrs a week on Facebook is a higher priority:). And if you're waiting till 2011 to NOT procrastinate, well you've missed the point!
I stand on the shoulders of many. To all who make Impact BJJ a great place to train, you have my continuous gratitude.

Conor McGregor Conor McGregor healthy and ready to fight at UFC 205 | FOX Sports MMA LIFE SHOP
Sword fighting is a popular art in Martial arts. It is considered as a prominent art.
Students who want to learn sword fighting can start by enrolling themselves in a Japanese martial arts training school where sword training is taught or a school for Japanese sword training.
The training at these schools starts with teaching different sword arts to the students and the basics of handling different types of swords. Different types of sword techniques taught at the school include:
Kenjutsu: It is a general term which is used for all sword arts Japanese. In this technique, students are taught combative swordsmanship.
Kendo: This is the term used for 'way of sword'. This technique teaches discipline. Kendo is very challenging and practiced by wearing traditional styled Japanese clothes, armour for protection and shinai.
Iaido/Iaijutsu: This is an art of smoothly drawing katana from sheath in controlled manner, then using it to get rid of opponent, cleaning blood off katana and finally placing back in sheath.
Before a student can actually start fighting with real blade, training is given using 'wooden swords'. Different types of swords are used in training. Some of the swords which are by martial artists to start sword training:
Shinai: This is a wooden sword which is made using long bamboo sticks which are tightly bounded together with the help of a string. Kendo uses shinai.
Bokken: This is another wooden sword which is commonly used for practicing in martial arts. Typically, it is made up of Asian red oak but beginners may use foam sparring bokkens. It is typically used in kenjutsu but may also be used in Iaido.
Katana: is a curvy, long, single-edged sword and is one of the famous in Japanese sword fighting. Unsharpened katanas are used in Iaido.
Iaito: This is a replica of real katanas and suitable if wants to practice katana. Used in Iaido.
Shinai is used for sword sparring instead of katana or bokken due to safety reasons.
Always remember safety is very much important. Thus, training is started with safe weapons. Lots of practice is needed in order to master a technique before actually working with real, live blade swords.

Students who want to learn sword fighting can start by enrolling themselves in a Japanese martial arts training school where sword training is taught or a school for Japanese sword training.
The training at these schools starts with teaching different sword arts to the students and the basics of handling different types of swords. Different types of sword techniques taught at the school include:
Kenjutsu: It is a general term which is used for all sword arts Japanese. In this technique, students are taught combative swordsmanship.
Kendo: This is the term used for 'way of sword'. This technique teaches discipline. Kendo is very challenging and practiced by wearing traditional styled Japanese clothes, armour for protection and shinai.
Iaido/Iaijutsu: This is an art of smoothly drawing katana from sheath in controlled manner, then using it to get rid of opponent, cleaning blood off katana and finally placing back in sheath.
Before a student can actually start fighting with real blade, training is given using 'wooden swords'. Different types of swords are used in training. Some of the swords which are by martial artists to start sword training:
Shinai: This is a wooden sword which is made using long bamboo sticks which are tightly bounded together with the help of a string. Kendo uses shinai.
Bokken: This is another wooden sword which is commonly used for practicing in martial arts. Typically, it is made up of Asian red oak but beginners may use foam sparring bokkens. It is typically used in kenjutsu but may also be used in Iaido.
Katana: is a curvy, long, single-edged sword and is one of the famous in Japanese sword fighting. Unsharpened katanas are used in Iaido.
Iaito: This is a replica of real katanas and suitable if wants to practice katana. Used in Iaido.
Shinai is used for sword sparring instead of katana or bokken due to safety reasons.
Always remember safety is very much important. Thus, training is started with safe weapons. Lots of practice is needed in order to master a technique before actually working with real, live blade swords.

#UFC #MMA #Military @BrianStann" MMA LIFE SHOP 2
When you wish to learn something as a part of hobby, innumerable things come to your mind. In the present day scenario, one of the contemporary arts you can learn is the art of self defense. You can learn Karate, Martial Arts, Ninja, Kung Fu, Boxing, etc. These activities will also help you have flexibility in your body. In addition, karate, martial arts and others help in becoming strong and fight back in odd situations. Learning alone is not everything but having proper accessories is also important.
There are a number of online stores which offer cost effective range of equipment, accessories and clothing for Karate, Martial arts and others. As you make a purchase online, there are a number of added aspects you can look into. According to your preferences of size, color and other measurements, you can receive the Martial Arts weapons, Karate uniforms and other equipment. This way, you can go ahead in learning within no time.
Furthermore, in any product, meeting quality parameters incorporate huge importance. The custom built Martial arts uniforms, weapons and other items offered from online store are well tested and proven as per the international quality standards. When you buy Martial Arts weapons, you should keep a check into some of these factors that these high quality weapons are light in weight, tough, eye appealing and durable in service. Also, you should see that the weapons offer smooth finish for easy and trouble free spinning.
As you order the equipment, you should check into the factors like their type of packaging and make sure that these reach unhampered. Along with safe packing, you must ensure that you get your Martial Art weapons and other equipment at the scheduled time.
Across the global market on the internet platform, you can get a large choice in Karate and Martial Art weapons, uniforms, belts and other items. Apart from the uniforms and weapons, the online shops also offer products such as books, videos, DVDs, and music with which one can learn more tricks and techniques in Karate, Judo, Taekwondo and other arts.
If you are learning it as a hobby, it is important to have all the products before you start practicing. There is a large online availability of diverse Martial Art weapons, uniforms and other accessories. So get started today with your hobby of learning self defense. Order your Karate and Martial Art items now!

There are a number of online stores which offer cost effective range of equipment, accessories and clothing for Karate, Martial arts and others. As you make a purchase online, there are a number of added aspects you can look into. According to your preferences of size, color and other measurements, you can receive the Martial Arts weapons, Karate uniforms and other equipment. This way, you can go ahead in learning within no time.
Furthermore, in any product, meeting quality parameters incorporate huge importance. The custom built Martial arts uniforms, weapons and other items offered from online store are well tested and proven as per the international quality standards. When you buy Martial Arts weapons, you should keep a check into some of these factors that these high quality weapons are light in weight, tough, eye appealing and durable in service. Also, you should see that the weapons offer smooth finish for easy and trouble free spinning.
As you order the equipment, you should check into the factors like their type of packaging and make sure that these reach unhampered. Along with safe packing, you must ensure that you get your Martial Art weapons and other equipment at the scheduled time.
Across the global market on the internet platform, you can get a large choice in Karate and Martial Art weapons, uniforms, belts and other items. Apart from the uniforms and weapons, the online shops also offer products such as books, videos, DVDs, and music with which one can learn more tricks and techniques in Karate, Judo, Taekwondo and other arts.
If you are learning it as a hobby, it is important to have all the products before you start practicing. There is a large online availability of diverse Martial Art weapons, uniforms and other accessories. So get started today with your hobby of learning self defense. Order your Karate and Martial Art items now!

Sunday, September 21, 2014
MMA How To Eliminate The "after Lunch" Sleepiness & Increase Your Focus At Work MMA LIFE SHOP 2
If you?re anything like most people, you get tired and unfocused around 2 o?clock in the afternoon. This causes a loss of focus and productive energy. This letter will give you a few solutions to this problem, helping you increase your productivity and hopefully, income.
This mid afternoon sluggishness usually comes from your body?s need to digest your lunch. Also, our bodies are biologically programmed to ?shut down" for sleep twice per 24 hour period. For most people this is around 11:00 PM and 2:00 PM. If only this didn?t happen during work hours!
Here are a few tips to deal with this slump and increase your productivity?
1. Create good sleep habits during ?normal" sleeping hours. The number one cause of daytime drowsiness is lack of sleep at night. Many of us stay awake watching TV, reading or working. This is a paradox in a way. If we weren?t so tired during the day, we would get all of our work and reading done during waking hours. To solve this, create good sleep habits at night. Don?t work in your bedroom. Make your sleeping room, a room of peace and relaxation. Try to get 7-8 hours of un-interrupted sleep every night.
2. Keep your body in good physical shape. The more you become out of good physical shape, the more energy it takes to stay awake and move around. Additionally, your heart and lungs become weaker and struggle to keep up with the pace that your life demands. Get good conditioning and cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times per week. Don?t think that you need to become a body builder or be able to lift a million pounds. Exercise to be healthy, not the next Miss America or Mr. Universe.
3. Learn a good after lunch meditation...breathe! Most people are oxygen deprived. Learning good breathing and meditation practices will drastically boost your energy and mental clarity. Meditation can be done in just 15 minutes and will give you the energy and focus you need to finish off your day. Focus on your breath for 15 minutes while listening to relaxing music without words. If you become distracted and lose track of your breath, it?s okay, that?s normal. Just start focusing on your breath again. Remember to take deep breaths, filling your lungs completely while doing this.
Being a martial artist I prefer, of course to use martial arts for all 3 of these items. You can get into the best physical shape of your life, learn meditation techniques and give you bullet proof confidence. Most people find that after the first 2 weeks they already are getting more benefits than they expected. The nice thing about martial arts, if taught right, you can learn at your own pace and you have a personal coach that helps you get over the road blocks. Unlike a gym where you often fill like your in a fish bowl and are left to figure it all out for yourself.

This mid afternoon sluggishness usually comes from your body?s need to digest your lunch. Also, our bodies are biologically programmed to ?shut down" for sleep twice per 24 hour period. For most people this is around 11:00 PM and 2:00 PM. If only this didn?t happen during work hours!
Here are a few tips to deal with this slump and increase your productivity?
1. Create good sleep habits during ?normal" sleeping hours. The number one cause of daytime drowsiness is lack of sleep at night. Many of us stay awake watching TV, reading or working. This is a paradox in a way. If we weren?t so tired during the day, we would get all of our work and reading done during waking hours. To solve this, create good sleep habits at night. Don?t work in your bedroom. Make your sleeping room, a room of peace and relaxation. Try to get 7-8 hours of un-interrupted sleep every night.
2. Keep your body in good physical shape. The more you become out of good physical shape, the more energy it takes to stay awake and move around. Additionally, your heart and lungs become weaker and struggle to keep up with the pace that your life demands. Get good conditioning and cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times per week. Don?t think that you need to become a body builder or be able to lift a million pounds. Exercise to be healthy, not the next Miss America or Mr. Universe.
3. Learn a good after lunch meditation...breathe! Most people are oxygen deprived. Learning good breathing and meditation practices will drastically boost your energy and mental clarity. Meditation can be done in just 15 minutes and will give you the energy and focus you need to finish off your day. Focus on your breath for 15 minutes while listening to relaxing music without words. If you become distracted and lose track of your breath, it?s okay, that?s normal. Just start focusing on your breath again. Remember to take deep breaths, filling your lungs completely while doing this.
Being a martial artist I prefer, of course to use martial arts for all 3 of these items. You can get into the best physical shape of your life, learn meditation techniques and give you bullet proof confidence. Most people find that after the first 2 weeks they already are getting more benefits than they expected. The nice thing about martial arts, if taught right, you can learn at your own pace and you have a personal coach that helps you get over the road blocks. Unlike a gym where you often fill like your in a fish bowl and are left to figure it all out for yourself.

Conor McGregor Rumor: Conor McGregor turned down a rematch with Nate Diaz | BJPenn.com UFC Fight News & Videos MMA LIFE SHOP
Being aware of your surroundings as you are walking to your vehicle is one of the most important things in your day-to-day life to protect yourself and avoid a self defense situation. If you park in a garage where you work and are assigned a space, become aware of the vehicles parked around your vehicle. If possible, get to know the other vehicle owners. New friends are always a positive thing in your life. You will be more conscious of an out of place vehicle or person in your area if you know those who should be there at any given time.
Have your keys ready as you approach your vehicle. Taking time to find your keys when you reach the vehicle presents an opportunity for an attack. If you feel you are being followed as you walk to your vehicle, do not go to your vehicle. Continue to a populated area and summon help. It might seem like a good idea to get in the vehicle and lock the doors but if an assailant has some type of weapon they could smash a window and you would be in an undesirable position to defend yourself.
When and where possible back your vehicle into parking spaces. This allows for a quick getaway if the need arises. It also gives you an opportunity to check backup lights, brake lights, turn signals, etc. if there is a wall behind your vehicle. It also allows you a clear view to see if someone is approaching your vehicle after you have gotten into the vehicle. It is much easier to see out the windshield than it is out of the rearview mirrors.
These same ideas apply if you park in an open area or a garage at your place of residence or at the local shopping mall or grocery store. Self defense is an ongoing process of awareness of the situation you are currently in. The more you are able to be aware of your surroundings the better you can protect yourself, your property and others.

Have your keys ready as you approach your vehicle. Taking time to find your keys when you reach the vehicle presents an opportunity for an attack. If you feel you are being followed as you walk to your vehicle, do not go to your vehicle. Continue to a populated area and summon help. It might seem like a good idea to get in the vehicle and lock the doors but if an assailant has some type of weapon they could smash a window and you would be in an undesirable position to defend yourself.
When and where possible back your vehicle into parking spaces. This allows for a quick getaway if the need arises. It also gives you an opportunity to check backup lights, brake lights, turn signals, etc. if there is a wall behind your vehicle. It also allows you a clear view to see if someone is approaching your vehicle after you have gotten into the vehicle. It is much easier to see out the windshield than it is out of the rearview mirrors.
These same ideas apply if you park in an open area or a garage at your place of residence or at the local shopping mall or grocery store. Self defense is an ongoing process of awareness of the situation you are currently in. The more you are able to be aware of your surroundings the better you can protect yourself, your property and others.

Saturday, September 20, 2014
Conor McGregor The Suits of Conor McGregor | Tailor On Ten MMA LIFE SHOP
We live in very uncertain times. How's one to deal with this uncertainty? Unfortunately many people, perhaps most people, will resist change and as a result, will suffer greatly.
Here's one option for change: Becoming a ninja in 2010.
Why a ninja lifestyle? Think about it. Ninja's embody all the characteristics necessary for survival, especially in uncertain times. They can adapt to any situation. And adaption is key.
Here are a few important qualities which ninja's embody, and how you can apply these principles to modern day times:
Discipline. Ninja's are traditionally known as extremely disciplined. This is true both in their diet and training. Applying these principles to the modern day is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit, which in turn will cut down health care issues, and keep your immune system strong preparing for any potential pandemics that may arise.
Sense of Calm. A unique aspect for ninja's is their sense of calm. Their ability to sneak and surprise requires a tremendous amount of patience and calmness, despite being in combat type situations. This is an extremely strong quality to embody in the coming year. We've seen many people lose homes, jobs and suffer disastrous situations. Those who are able to weather the storm, are those that can maintain their center, dealing with the situation in a calm, patient, and systematic manner.
Modern day ninja's are subtle, smart, disciplined and live outside the norm of society's gravy train way of doing things. While everyone else around them suffers, they calmly rise above the noise and confusion.
This is key for operating within the coming year of 2010. Much financial, economic, and environmental turmoil has already arrived and is predicted to become much, much worse.
Is it just a coincidence that the movie Ninja Assassin just came out during the last months of 2009? It is said that life imitates art, and perhaps this is art conveying the message that becoming a ninja is key for dealing with the coming catastrophes.
In any event, becoming a ninja can add a great deal of direction and discipline to your life. There are different options available for taking the necessary steps in the new year to get started on this incredible path.
Ninja camps. There are ninja type camps you can attend in the coming year. These can offer anywhere from weekend training to full on 3-6 month style training.
Ninja Book or How to Manual. These are excellent for getting started. Not only do you get the history, but you also get modern day tips and techniques that you can apply immediately. You can also learn ninja training which you can start implementing right away as well.

Here's one option for change: Becoming a ninja in 2010.
Why a ninja lifestyle? Think about it. Ninja's embody all the characteristics necessary for survival, especially in uncertain times. They can adapt to any situation. And adaption is key.
Here are a few important qualities which ninja's embody, and how you can apply these principles to modern day times:
Discipline. Ninja's are traditionally known as extremely disciplined. This is true both in their diet and training. Applying these principles to the modern day is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit, which in turn will cut down health care issues, and keep your immune system strong preparing for any potential pandemics that may arise.
Sense of Calm. A unique aspect for ninja's is their sense of calm. Their ability to sneak and surprise requires a tremendous amount of patience and calmness, despite being in combat type situations. This is an extremely strong quality to embody in the coming year. We've seen many people lose homes, jobs and suffer disastrous situations. Those who are able to weather the storm, are those that can maintain their center, dealing with the situation in a calm, patient, and systematic manner.
Modern day ninja's are subtle, smart, disciplined and live outside the norm of society's gravy train way of doing things. While everyone else around them suffers, they calmly rise above the noise and confusion.
This is key for operating within the coming year of 2010. Much financial, economic, and environmental turmoil has already arrived and is predicted to become much, much worse.
Is it just a coincidence that the movie Ninja Assassin just came out during the last months of 2009? It is said that life imitates art, and perhaps this is art conveying the message that becoming a ninja is key for dealing with the coming catastrophes.
In any event, becoming a ninja can add a great deal of direction and discipline to your life. There are different options available for taking the necessary steps in the new year to get started on this incredible path.
Ninja camps. There are ninja type camps you can attend in the coming year. These can offer anywhere from weekend training to full on 3-6 month style training.
Ninja Book or How to Manual. These are excellent for getting started. Not only do you get the history, but you also get modern day tips and techniques that you can apply immediately. You can also learn ninja training which you can start implementing right away as well.

Friday, September 19, 2014
MMA History And Fundamentals Of Karate MMA LIFE SHOP
Though Karate is often associated with Japanese martial arts, its true origin dwells in Okinawan combat techniques and Southern Chinese martial arts. It is basically a fusion of both arts and was introduced to Japan only in 1921. During this period, Karate was simply known as "Te", or hand, as called by the Okinawans. Chinese influence is evident in the original symbol for Karate - the "Tang Hand" or ?Chinese Hand?.
There were no specified or concrete Karate styles in the early days and simply generalized as Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te, named after the three cities in which they were formed. Each city had its own methods, principles, system and traditions of Karate.
The introduction, popularization and modernization of Karate to Japan are mainly credited to Funakoshi, an Okinawan master, venerably regarded by many practitioners as ?The Father of Modern Karate?. Other prominent Karate experts in his time include Kenwa Mabuni, Miyagi Chojun, Choshin Chibana, and Motobu Choki.
Japan began introducing Karate as a subject in schools before the Second World War and soldiers in the army were often trained in the discipline. Competitions and different styles also started emerging as several universities started karate club programs during this period.
The popularization of Karate in the West has its roots in the American military occupation of Japan and Okinawa after the Second World War, and Japanese immigration to the United States.
Fundamentals of Karate:
Karate mainly stresses on volatile combat techniques such as punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open hand methods. Grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints, throwing, and vital point striking are also parts of this discipline.
Karate training is divided into three main sections ?
? Kihon refers to the study of basic techniques, movements and components
? Kata or 'form', a fixed sequence of moves, is a series of movements and techniques linked together by the combatative principles that the kata expresses.
? Kumite or 'sparring' evovles from well-defined kata to open attack and defense.
The Uniform ? Color of the Belt and Ranks:
The Karate uniform is white and comprised of the Kimono (shirt), Dogi or Keikogi (pants) and a belt (white or colored), a combination introduced by Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo. The color of the belt is dependant on the rank and expertise of a practitioner. In accordance with commonly held standards, white belts are for beginners, and black for the highest rank. This, howver, may differ from one organization to another. Each rank may also have subdivions of its own even if the color of the belt is similar.
Styles and Variations:
Karate styles can be broadly classified into Traditional and Full Body Karate. Traditional styles are those that developed in the early period of the 20th century and include variants such as Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, Kushin-ryu, and Shindo Jinen Ryu. Full contact karate includes styles such as Kyokushin-kaikan and Kansuiryu. Many of the styles have offshoots that developed into styles of their own. Although the concepts remain universal, each representation differ from one another.

Though Karate is often associated with Japanese martial arts, its true origin dwells in Okinawan combat techniques and Southern Chinese martial arts. It is basically a fusion of both arts and was introduced to Japan only in 1921. During this period, Karate was simply known as "Te", or hand, as called by the Okinawans. Chinese influence is evident in the original symbol for Karate - the "Tang Hand" or ?Chinese Hand?.
There were no specified or concrete Karate styles in the early days and simply generalized as Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te, named after the three cities in which they were formed. Each city had its own methods, principles, system and traditions of Karate.
The introduction, popularization and modernization of Karate to Japan are mainly credited to Funakoshi, an Okinawan master, venerably regarded by many practitioners as ?The Father of Modern Karate?. Other prominent Karate experts in his time include Kenwa Mabuni, Miyagi Chojun, Choshin Chibana, and Motobu Choki.
Japan began introducing Karate as a subject in schools before the Second World War and soldiers in the army were often trained in the discipline. Competitions and different styles also started emerging as several universities started karate club programs during this period.
The popularization of Karate in the West has its roots in the American military occupation of Japan and Okinawa after the Second World War, and Japanese immigration to the United States.
Fundamentals of Karate:
Karate mainly stresses on volatile combat techniques such as punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open hand methods. Grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints, throwing, and vital point striking are also parts of this discipline.
Karate training is divided into three main sections ?
? Kihon refers to the study of basic techniques, movements and components
? Kata or 'form', a fixed sequence of moves, is a series of movements and techniques linked together by the combatative principles that the kata expresses.
? Kumite or 'sparring' evovles from well-defined kata to open attack and defense.
The Uniform ? Color of the Belt and Ranks:
The Karate uniform is white and comprised of the Kimono (shirt), Dogi or Keikogi (pants) and a belt (white or colored), a combination introduced by Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo. The color of the belt is dependant on the rank and expertise of a practitioner. In accordance with commonly held standards, white belts are for beginners, and black for the highest rank. This, howver, may differ from one organization to another. Each rank may also have subdivions of its own even if the color of the belt is similar.
Styles and Variations:
Karate styles can be broadly classified into Traditional and Full Body Karate. Traditional styles are those that developed in the early period of the 20th century and include variants such as Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, Kushin-ryu, and Shindo Jinen Ryu. Full contact karate includes styles such as Kyokushin-kaikan and Kansuiryu. Many of the styles have offshoots that developed into styles of their own. Although the concepts remain universal, each representation differ from one another.

MMA "Nate Diaz reminded the world what makes him such an incredible fighter during his performance against Conor McGregor on Saturday.
If you are fascinated in the world of mixed martial arts, you may find yourself asking how you can locate a good and competent MMA school. This could be the most common query amongst men and women who are dying to get into this extremely competitive sport. And it is a wonderful question mainly because an excellent school will train you everything you need to in order to become the greatest fighter you may ever be. A good school will have excellent instructors who can effectively teach, they have an eye on security all of the time plus they may have the know-how to develop your skills into something that you have never imagined you to be or to reach.
Finding a great school should not be too difficult in the event when you know what you are looking for. You must very first produce a list of everything you believe you would want in the college. You may list the above criteria or you can also make up your own. But obtaining standards is very crucial mainly because it is most likely you will need to select in between various schools, particularly when you reside in the huge city.
That's simply because ever since The Ultimate Fighter began airing on Spike Television, mixed martial arts has observed a massive surge in recognition. Not just a few are watching, but a lot more people than actually expected. Upon watching the sport on television, but they are flooding to colleges to be able to discover tips on how to train themselves in this combat sport. And with this substantial demand comes the massive supply. Hence, additional schools are teaching mixed martial arts and not all of them are equal.
Discovering a great university is vital simply because you are going to expend your energy and money and also you don't want to obtain harm. What you happen to be looking for in a very good mixed martial arts university really should be excellent instruction, a risk-free surroundings, an enjoyable environment and one that will assist in honing your inner warrior. These criteria may possibly not be instantly apparent, which is why you are going to study on it before you step foot in any MMA facility.
Having a pen and piece of paper, start off listing all of the schools you can come across close to you. The critical factors to record include their name, telephone number, hours of operation, costs, and something else you see fit to list.

Finding a great school should not be too difficult in the event when you know what you are looking for. You must very first produce a list of everything you believe you would want in the college. You may list the above criteria or you can also make up your own. But obtaining standards is very crucial mainly because it is most likely you will need to select in between various schools, particularly when you reside in the huge city.
That's simply because ever since The Ultimate Fighter began airing on Spike Television, mixed martial arts has observed a massive surge in recognition. Not just a few are watching, but a lot more people than actually expected. Upon watching the sport on television, but they are flooding to colleges to be able to discover tips on how to train themselves in this combat sport. And with this substantial demand comes the massive supply. Hence, additional schools are teaching mixed martial arts and not all of them are equal.
Discovering a great university is vital simply because you are going to expend your energy and money and also you don't want to obtain harm. What you happen to be looking for in a very good mixed martial arts university really should be excellent instruction, a risk-free surroundings, an enjoyable environment and one that will assist in honing your inner warrior. These criteria may possibly not be instantly apparent, which is why you are going to study on it before you step foot in any MMA facility.
Having a pen and piece of paper, start off listing all of the schools you can come across close to you. The critical factors to record include their name, telephone number, hours of operation, costs, and something else you see fit to list.

Conor McGregor Best Muay Thai Fighter Has Called Out Conor McGregor! MMA LIFE SHOP
Everyone knows about Bruce Lee, the legend in martial arts. Bruce Lee could deliver punches from a distance of one inch from the opponent's abdomen so hard that it would lift him from the ground and he would fall some couple of feet backwards. This is the well known 'one inch punch' from the legend. By training in martial arts and boxing you can achieve enormous strength without having to eat huge and possessing huge muscles. Yes, you do need to train very hard. Training in martial arts require a lot of dedication but what you can achieve eat the end is unlike anything.
Repetitions are the blood and soul of martial arts training. A serious trainee will have to deliver and practice a thousand punches and he will become a pro when he had practiced a million numbers of times. Repetitions also build the mind and body coordination. The neuromuscular efficiency gets stronger with each punch and pathways between the muscles and the brain get more active. Your reflex gets quicker along with power you can deliver within a fraction of a second. Along with a quick reflex it is necessary to generate the power in your supple movements. All your muscle power is delivered through your hands when you strike a punch r through your legs when you do kick.
For a powerful punch or a kick, you need to have enough strength in your muscles. The main body part that should be trained is your legs. Anchoring the feet and keeping the body in complete balance while transferring all your power through your fists or shins requires a lot of strength. The leg muscles are the largest and thus they are able to trigger huge anabolism in your CNS (central nervous system). Since in martial arts the power gets on transferring, you train your arms too while training your legs. The main leg exercises that you should be doing are toe presses and leg presses.
Toe presses will build you powerful calf muscles. Adjust the sled of the leg press machine to the topmost position. Use around 150% to 250% more weight than usual. Place your feet balls at the base of the sled with your feet just off it. Engage your calf muscles in pressing the toes forwards. Pause for a count of two before you get back to normal posture. Repeat the processes 10 times for 1 set and try the maximum number of sets. Increase weights and repetitions when you are comfortable to do so.
Leg presses too work on your calf muscles. Do the same as said for the toe presses. This time use the power of your Quadriceps too. Train both these leg muscles so that they become strong enough. Cycling too is useful.
For generating power in the shoulders, do several repetitions of the seated shoulder press. Chinning is very effective in building up strong shoulder muscles. As for the seated shoulder press, use an instrument that limits your motion circumference. Position the handles so that they are exactly two inches below your shoulders. Raise the bar and hold for a couple of seconds before you drop it. Use a heavy weight to generate the maximum amount of tension.
Your triceps and biceps should be strong enough to deliver the strength of your whole body in a single punch. Try the bench press. Use the maximum weights in the barbell that you can lift for at least 8 times in a single set. Use a close grip for the triceps and biceps and use a wide grip if you want to do the same exercise for your shoulders.
Your hits must be like jackhammers and your strength should be similar to that of a bull. Practice is the key.

Repetitions are the blood and soul of martial arts training. A serious trainee will have to deliver and practice a thousand punches and he will become a pro when he had practiced a million numbers of times. Repetitions also build the mind and body coordination. The neuromuscular efficiency gets stronger with each punch and pathways between the muscles and the brain get more active. Your reflex gets quicker along with power you can deliver within a fraction of a second. Along with a quick reflex it is necessary to generate the power in your supple movements. All your muscle power is delivered through your hands when you strike a punch r through your legs when you do kick.
For a powerful punch or a kick, you need to have enough strength in your muscles. The main body part that should be trained is your legs. Anchoring the feet and keeping the body in complete balance while transferring all your power through your fists or shins requires a lot of strength. The leg muscles are the largest and thus they are able to trigger huge anabolism in your CNS (central nervous system). Since in martial arts the power gets on transferring, you train your arms too while training your legs. The main leg exercises that you should be doing are toe presses and leg presses.
Toe presses will build you powerful calf muscles. Adjust the sled of the leg press machine to the topmost position. Use around 150% to 250% more weight than usual. Place your feet balls at the base of the sled with your feet just off it. Engage your calf muscles in pressing the toes forwards. Pause for a count of two before you get back to normal posture. Repeat the processes 10 times for 1 set and try the maximum number of sets. Increase weights and repetitions when you are comfortable to do so.
Leg presses too work on your calf muscles. Do the same as said for the toe presses. This time use the power of your Quadriceps too. Train both these leg muscles so that they become strong enough. Cycling too is useful.
For generating power in the shoulders, do several repetitions of the seated shoulder press. Chinning is very effective in building up strong shoulder muscles. As for the seated shoulder press, use an instrument that limits your motion circumference. Position the handles so that they are exactly two inches below your shoulders. Raise the bar and hold for a couple of seconds before you drop it. Use a heavy weight to generate the maximum amount of tension.
Your triceps and biceps should be strong enough to deliver the strength of your whole body in a single punch. Try the bench press. Use the maximum weights in the barbell that you can lift for at least 8 times in a single set. Use a close grip for the triceps and biceps and use a wide grip if you want to do the same exercise for your shoulders.
Your hits must be like jackhammers and your strength should be similar to that of a bull. Practice is the key.

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