1. Strike the bag from a static position (you should not move before the hit) but do allow the bag itself to move. It will force us to time ourselves distance and movement wise. No combination yet, we should concentrate on making our first strike count.
2. We begin moving while the bag does not. We should concentrate on having the first strike count and on striking with changing leg and arm position.
3. While the bag is moving we remain static only now we work the combination. We must remember, still, to make the first strike count. It is important to remember the emphasis points we have - technique wise - Our - stance, hip motion, direction of hit, with which part we should strike with, arm positioning and protecting...
4. The bag and us move, imagining the bag as our opponent - duck, move, counter, slip and attack as if it is your adversary.
o It is recommended, at least in the beginning, to work the bag with wraps and gloves, this will help protect ourselves form injury - both skin and bone wise.
o We should variegate when to hit the bag - for instance - when it moves towards us it will provide more resistance improving our power, and when moving back it helps us time our punching distance... More ideas on this in future articles...
o The heavy bag should be heavy - about half of our body weight. If we only train leg strikes with it even heavier.
o We can use it for training our martial arts conditioning - More ideas in future additions..
o At least at first don't train it every day, we should allow ourselves proper rest - at least 36 hours - our bones and muscles must build

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