That's why it's beneficial to have a system for training; a toolbox you can go to when you've hit a plateau, which you will sooner or later. Fortunately, I've laid out the basics of just a system right here. It may seem a little abstract for your training but trust me, follow these principles and you'll begin to see improvements immediately.
1. Identify What You Need To Improve, And Work On It In Isolated Practice
Be honest, it's more fun to use the things you know and are already good at than to work on something that feels awkward and new. But in this case it's definitely true that you're only as strong as your weakest link, and bringing up the things you're weak at is going to make you better all around.
So take a hard look at what you can improve, and ask your instructor and fellow students for input. If it helps, write it down and chart your progress:
What you want to improve
What your obstacles are
Who and what will help you in the process
Include as much detail as you need. I find this method very helpful when trying to improve a specific technique or correct a mistake I frequently make, but it really shines in targeting your weak-points.
2. Find The Right Training Partners
I've heard the phrase "you're only as good as your training partners". While that may not be entirely true, I know firsthand that when your partners improve along with you, you get better at a faster pace than you would with a lesser training partner. So mutualism is important here.
Good training partners motivate you to improve, while also providing their own unique challenge for you to overcome.
It can be hard choosing the right training partners, but there are a few criteria I've found that work best. First, they need to have a good attitude, and watch your performance with a critical eye while responding to your training needs.
Second, it helps if their more experienced than you and physically larger. They'll be more challenging and resistant to your techniques, and you'll have to work harder to make something work, and that's a good thing. You'll be more flexible with a technique and be able to use it in different situations successfully.
3. Incorporate A Strength Training Program
"Whaaat?!" you may be thinking, but let me explain. Man or woman, basic strength training such as bench press, squat and deadlift will greatly improve athletic ability. Now take that explosive strength to a sport that requires you to strike with the greatest force possible and you've got a winning combination.
It gets even better, because not only will increased strength improve your control and striking power in martial arts, they'll complement eachother to where you'll make greater gains in training them both than you would separately.
I wouldn't leave you without sharing the best beginning resources I've found for strength training. Those would be Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and 5-3-1 by Jim Wendler.
Don't worry about putting everything into practice immediately, just take one or two things and try them out. Part of your training is taking what you find useful from others and tweaking it to your liking.
Best of luck to you in your life and training, and thanks for reading!
Robert Lowndrey

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