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Monday, June 30, 2014
Conor McGregor Conor McGregor claims he tore 80 percent of his ACL prior to facing Chad Mendes MMA LIFE SHOP
Mixed martial arts, better known as MMA, is a form of sports that involves the use of a mixture of martial art combat techniques to win over the opponent. MMA has become very popular in recent years and MMA championships like the "UFC" or Ultimate Fighting Championships have become very popular.
MMA began with pitting one martial art technique with another under minimal rules, so that the martial art which would be the most effective in day to day life could be found. Modern mixed martial competitions have evolved from such events, but rules are much stricter due to which, the sport has been promoted into acceptance. However, there is no centralized sanctioning authority for mixed martial arts and the rules vary from place to place or organization to organization.
Striking and grappling are the common techniques used in MMA. Striking techniques involve kicks, knees and punches while grappling techniques involve the use of holds, sweeps and throws. Techniques like eye-gouging, biting and fish hooking are considered illegal in most MMA competitions. Other techniques like head butts, spinal locks and elbows may or may not be considered legal in different MMA organizations.
In MMA competitions, victory is based on the judge's decision, submission or knockout. A competitor's corner man can also decide the outcome of the match and so can the match doctor if the competitor is injured to an extent that he/she can no longer fight properly.
Competitors participating in MMA have to train themselves in a variety of fighting styles so that they can effectively overcome their opponents. MMA training usually involves stand up, clinch and ground combat. To make the stand up combat effective, boxing and kickboxing are taught. These improve kicking, punching, kneeing and most important of all-footwork. Freestyle wrestling is taught to improve clinching. Additionally, competitors are trained in Muay Thai to improve the striking power during a clinch. Training in Brazilian Jujitsu and Sambo improves ground combat by improving the competitor's positioning. Further, shoot wrestling, catch wrestling and judo are taught to enhance the competitor's ground combat abilities.
Some of the best competitors are well rounded fighters. But, they all specialize really well in one aspect of mixed martial arts. Sometimes this style is so dominant that it is overwhelming for the other opponent.
Success in modern martial arts lies in adapting many styles. These styles have to be altered accordingly. Today, MMA competitors do not train in a particular style but train all the styles together. Flexibility plays a very important role in succeeding in MMA competitions. MMA is physically a very demanding sport and being competent is the only key to success.

MMA began with pitting one martial art technique with another under minimal rules, so that the martial art which would be the most effective in day to day life could be found. Modern mixed martial competitions have evolved from such events, but rules are much stricter due to which, the sport has been promoted into acceptance. However, there is no centralized sanctioning authority for mixed martial arts and the rules vary from place to place or organization to organization.
Striking and grappling are the common techniques used in MMA. Striking techniques involve kicks, knees and punches while grappling techniques involve the use of holds, sweeps and throws. Techniques like eye-gouging, biting and fish hooking are considered illegal in most MMA competitions. Other techniques like head butts, spinal locks and elbows may or may not be considered legal in different MMA organizations.
In MMA competitions, victory is based on the judge's decision, submission or knockout. A competitor's corner man can also decide the outcome of the match and so can the match doctor if the competitor is injured to an extent that he/she can no longer fight properly.
Competitors participating in MMA have to train themselves in a variety of fighting styles so that they can effectively overcome their opponents. MMA training usually involves stand up, clinch and ground combat. To make the stand up combat effective, boxing and kickboxing are taught. These improve kicking, punching, kneeing and most important of all-footwork. Freestyle wrestling is taught to improve clinching. Additionally, competitors are trained in Muay Thai to improve the striking power during a clinch. Training in Brazilian Jujitsu and Sambo improves ground combat by improving the competitor's positioning. Further, shoot wrestling, catch wrestling and judo are taught to enhance the competitor's ground combat abilities.
Some of the best competitors are well rounded fighters. But, they all specialize really well in one aspect of mixed martial arts. Sometimes this style is so dominant that it is overwhelming for the other opponent.
Success in modern martial arts lies in adapting many styles. These styles have to be altered accordingly. Today, MMA competitors do not train in a particular style but train all the styles together. Flexibility plays a very important role in succeeding in MMA competitions. MMA is physically a very demanding sport and being competent is the only key to success.

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Conor McGregor Conor McGregor - There Is Only One - YouTube MMA LIFE SHOP
The first time I ever actually perceived someone elses thoughts happened in San Francisco. My wife and I were ambulating through Chinatown, and we entered a shop where a grouchy old Chinese lady perched on a stool in a corner. As we peered at the various bric a brac, the grouchy one snapped at her daughter, "Look, look, look, everybody just look!"
Walking down the street after we left the shop, I looked at my wife, "Did you hear what that old lady said?" "How could I," my wife tilted her head in confusion. "I don't speak Chinese."
Speaking in Chinese, and I had heard her in English. In essence, I had read her mind and translated her thoughts into English. And I could do this, I instantly knew, because of the martial arts I had been studying.
The human mind is just a big radio receiver, but it transmits, and picks up, thoughts. The sad fact, however, is that the mind is pre-occupied with static. Children can usually see into people's minds, but they outgrow the ability and don't even remember it when they grow older.
In the martial arts you use the discipline of the body to clear out the distractions and static. You do this by focusing on making the moves of your form perfect. Eventually, the distractive static goes away, and the original ability to read minds is once again unleashed.
The problem, unfortunately, is that the martial arts have been so conflicted that it is difficult to find a form, or series of forms, that work the way they are supposed to. Oddly, almost any form can work if it is properly examined, and reworked so that it is scientific and true. This normally takes a tremendous amount of work, even a whole lifetime, but the process can be sped up if one knows the proper science.
Interestingly, the old religious classics of such arts as Tai Chi and other Wudang arts, speak of being child like in your approach to the world. I also saw mention of this concept in Buddhist works of Zen. The problem, of course, is that by the time one resurrects this ability one has become old.
At any rate, the old tales are true, the martial arts really do work, and in ways far removed from fighting. Indeed, though the martial arts teach people how to defend themselves, things like reading minds is the real start. And the start of this start, for most people, is simply walking through the doors of that neighborhood dojo and learning a little Karate or Tai Chi or Aikido.

Walking down the street after we left the shop, I looked at my wife, "Did you hear what that old lady said?" "How could I," my wife tilted her head in confusion. "I don't speak Chinese."
Speaking in Chinese, and I had heard her in English. In essence, I had read her mind and translated her thoughts into English. And I could do this, I instantly knew, because of the martial arts I had been studying.
The human mind is just a big radio receiver, but it transmits, and picks up, thoughts. The sad fact, however, is that the mind is pre-occupied with static. Children can usually see into people's minds, but they outgrow the ability and don't even remember it when they grow older.
In the martial arts you use the discipline of the body to clear out the distractions and static. You do this by focusing on making the moves of your form perfect. Eventually, the distractive static goes away, and the original ability to read minds is once again unleashed.
The problem, unfortunately, is that the martial arts have been so conflicted that it is difficult to find a form, or series of forms, that work the way they are supposed to. Oddly, almost any form can work if it is properly examined, and reworked so that it is scientific and true. This normally takes a tremendous amount of work, even a whole lifetime, but the process can be sped up if one knows the proper science.
Interestingly, the old religious classics of such arts as Tai Chi and other Wudang arts, speak of being child like in your approach to the world. I also saw mention of this concept in Buddhist works of Zen. The problem, of course, is that by the time one resurrects this ability one has become old.
At any rate, the old tales are true, the martial arts really do work, and in ways far removed from fighting. Indeed, though the martial arts teach people how to defend themselves, things like reading minds is the real start. And the start of this start, for most people, is simply walking through the doors of that neighborhood dojo and learning a little Karate or Tai Chi or Aikido.

Saturday, June 28, 2014
MMA Aikido Self Defense - Understanding Aikido And How To Use Aikido Self Defense Tactics MMA LIFE SHOP
Has it not intrigued you that some martial artists that have been deemed as masters, who are often depicted as fragile old men with a farmers attire and a life long grown beard, rarely move from where they stand yet magically throw down a handful of baddies that seem to have had an overdose in steroids and caffeine? Or that a slender female stands amidst insurmountable foes and yet ends up being the last one standing? Is it fact? Or is it fiction? The answer that you must be thinking of is probably the very opposite of what is real. The situations are in fact based on reality.
Aikido, a Japanese martial art developed by Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, focused on redirecting an attacker?s momentum and turning it against themselves. This is a perfect situation where one could apply the saying ?The bigger they are, the harder they fall?. The practice of the aikido is harmonizing ones? self with the soul or with nature. The aim of the art is to prevent injury to both the attacker and the practitioner of aikido. Early on in my practice with the martial art, I have learned that during periods of training the practitioner of aikido, or otherwise known as aikidoka, never started a sparring session with a strike. On the contrary, the aikidoka always waits for the attacker to strike. Only then will the aikidoka plan his counter attack on the assailant. This is the true meaning of self defense. The techniques of aikido resulted in a series of circular movements both in the stance and the arm movements that aids in the transfer of energy from the strike of the attacker to the body of the practitioner and then back to the attacker himself. Self defense tactics in aikido usually consisted of joint locks and various throws.
The technique that I have found very useful is one that is called ?nikyo? or quite loosely translated as the ?second technique?. By definition this unarmed self defense technique is a wristlock which positions the wrist into a prone position and that torques the arm and applies painful nerve pressure. In simpler terms, it places the wrist in a position that it isn?t supposed to be in and that in turn creates a very painful sensation to the attacker.
Other self defense tactics that I have found to be useful occurs when one is being held by the collar of one?s shirt when the attacker is in front of the practitioner. Let us say, for demonstrative purposes that the attacker grabs the right side of your collar with his left hand. The first movement would be to observe how the attacker is applying the force to the practitioner (downward, pushing, or pulling force). This will give the practitioner an idea on how to go about executing nikyo. Next would be to simultaneously placing the practitioner?s left hand on top of the attackers hand, grabbing it as the practitioner twists his body to face left. This will create a Z ? lock. The only thing left to do is to put all the weight into the twisted wrist and voila, the attacker is immobilized. From this position, the practitioner can give a strike to the nape, temple, or throat. All of which will further immobilize the attacker and will give the practitioner the time to flee the situation.

Aikido, a Japanese martial art developed by Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, focused on redirecting an attacker?s momentum and turning it against themselves. This is a perfect situation where one could apply the saying ?The bigger they are, the harder they fall?. The practice of the aikido is harmonizing ones? self with the soul or with nature. The aim of the art is to prevent injury to both the attacker and the practitioner of aikido. Early on in my practice with the martial art, I have learned that during periods of training the practitioner of aikido, or otherwise known as aikidoka, never started a sparring session with a strike. On the contrary, the aikidoka always waits for the attacker to strike. Only then will the aikidoka plan his counter attack on the assailant. This is the true meaning of self defense. The techniques of aikido resulted in a series of circular movements both in the stance and the arm movements that aids in the transfer of energy from the strike of the attacker to the body of the practitioner and then back to the attacker himself. Self defense tactics in aikido usually consisted of joint locks and various throws.
The technique that I have found very useful is one that is called ?nikyo? or quite loosely translated as the ?second technique?. By definition this unarmed self defense technique is a wristlock which positions the wrist into a prone position and that torques the arm and applies painful nerve pressure. In simpler terms, it places the wrist in a position that it isn?t supposed to be in and that in turn creates a very painful sensation to the attacker.
Other self defense tactics that I have found to be useful occurs when one is being held by the collar of one?s shirt when the attacker is in front of the practitioner. Let us say, for demonstrative purposes that the attacker grabs the right side of your collar with his left hand. The first movement would be to observe how the attacker is applying the force to the practitioner (downward, pushing, or pulling force). This will give the practitioner an idea on how to go about executing nikyo. Next would be to simultaneously placing the practitioner?s left hand on top of the attackers hand, grabbing it as the practitioner twists his body to face left. This will create a Z ? lock. The only thing left to do is to put all the weight into the twisted wrist and voila, the attacker is immobilized. From this position, the practitioner can give a strike to the nape, temple, or throat. All of which will further immobilize the attacker and will give the practitioner the time to flee the situation.

MMA A look back at the 1990s hysteria which got MMA banned in New York - MMA Fighting MMA LIFE SHOP
With the popularity of MMA and many schools promoting this style of training I felt it might be helpful to clarify the differences between MMA and Self Defense. The differences are; philosophy, method and goal.
The philosophy of MMA is one of aggression, looking to beat your opponent. In MMA you are looking to fight. When you listen to these fighters talk it's all about ego. There is lots of trash talk. They talk about how they will destroy their opponent. This type of attitude is encouraged by their coaches and shown to the audience as the ultimate attitude to have in martial arts and the way of success in life as well as in the ring. This attitude produces as spirit of anger or even hatred towards the opponent. This may be helpful in the ring but in can be dangerous in real life. If you walk around with that attitude on the street you will end up looking for fights even provoking someone to show off your ability.
The philosophy of Self Defense is one of avoidance. The old adage of self defense is "we are not fighters we are self defense practitioners". In a confrontational situation we look to avoid a fight. No challenge, No resistance, No injury to me, is our motto. We do not allow our ego to rule us, we allow wisdom to rule our actions. We don't feel the need to prove ourselves to others. We are confident in our abilities and need only use them when we are in physical danger. This philosophy produces an attitude of respect and peace. Respect towards others and the pursuit of peace in the world.
The method of MMA is brutal training designed to toughen the fighter both mentally and physically. This is done to produce the aggressive violence that makes for a good fight and a good show. As far as the fight itself there are official rules that are to be followed to make the fight fair and avoid injury. These regulations consist of, weight, age and belt level classes, approved techniques and time limits these matches also have medical personnel that can stop the fight if one of the fighters is too injured to continue.
The method of Self Defense training is designed to train a person for real life. We physically train to be fit. We learn and practice techniques to be proficient. In the real world there are no rules. If you're attacked it will be by someone who perceives themselves as bigger and stronger than you. They will do whatever they need to rob rape or even kill you; there is no one to stop them, except you. Therefore, you must be trained to do whatever it takes to survive.
The goal of MMA is to win a match or title.
The goal of Self Defense is to avoid or to survive an attack.
By Sensei Dave Heuthe

The philosophy of MMA is one of aggression, looking to beat your opponent. In MMA you are looking to fight. When you listen to these fighters talk it's all about ego. There is lots of trash talk. They talk about how they will destroy their opponent. This type of attitude is encouraged by their coaches and shown to the audience as the ultimate attitude to have in martial arts and the way of success in life as well as in the ring. This attitude produces as spirit of anger or even hatred towards the opponent. This may be helpful in the ring but in can be dangerous in real life. If you walk around with that attitude on the street you will end up looking for fights even provoking someone to show off your ability.
The philosophy of Self Defense is one of avoidance. The old adage of self defense is "we are not fighters we are self defense practitioners". In a confrontational situation we look to avoid a fight. No challenge, No resistance, No injury to me, is our motto. We do not allow our ego to rule us, we allow wisdom to rule our actions. We don't feel the need to prove ourselves to others. We are confident in our abilities and need only use them when we are in physical danger. This philosophy produces an attitude of respect and peace. Respect towards others and the pursuit of peace in the world.
The method of MMA is brutal training designed to toughen the fighter both mentally and physically. This is done to produce the aggressive violence that makes for a good fight and a good show. As far as the fight itself there are official rules that are to be followed to make the fight fair and avoid injury. These regulations consist of, weight, age and belt level classes, approved techniques and time limits these matches also have medical personnel that can stop the fight if one of the fighters is too injured to continue.
The method of Self Defense training is designed to train a person for real life. We physically train to be fit. We learn and practice techniques to be proficient. In the real world there are no rules. If you're attacked it will be by someone who perceives themselves as bigger and stronger than you. They will do whatever they need to rob rape or even kill you; there is no one to stop them, except you. Therefore, you must be trained to do whatever it takes to survive.
The goal of MMA is to win a match or title.
The goal of Self Defense is to avoid or to survive an attack.
By Sensei Dave Heuthe

Conor McGregor UFC champions Conor McGregor, Eddie Alvarez to battle in NYC | UFC ® - News MMA LIFE SHOP
In a perfect planet, we would all go through life without ever having to face the possibility of a physical altercation. And in some cases this does happen. Some people go their entire lives without ever fighting with anyone. But unfortunately in this day and age, there may be a need for you to have to defend yourself. In other words, trouble may find you and you may find yourself with no other options than to confront your attacker.
If this is the case, here are some hard rules to follow that can save you in a fight. I'll go over a few of the most common scenarios. Remember your objective isn't to "win", it's to get out of the situation alive and unharmed if possible.
1.) Always Keep a Cool Head - Try to stay calm and do not panic. Panicking usually just makes the attacker angrier than they already are. If you stay calm you will have more time to think about how you are going to react to the situation as it unfolds.
2.) Defense Against Headlocks - If you find yourself accosted from behind and placed in a headlock, tilt your neck to the side of their elbow fold then tuck your chin in. This will make it impossible for your attacker to choke you. Then, completely relax and fall to the ground. This way your attacker will be forced to hold you up by your own body weight which is nearly next to impossible. This will force them to let you go. Then if possible try to make a run for it if they aren't armed with a pistol.
3.) Grabbed From Behind - If someone grabs you from behind using a Bear Hug, the best thing to do is to head butt them from behind. If you attempt to step on their heel or kick them in the groin, it will probably just infuriate your attacker. But the human skull is amazingly powerful. Just 2 good head butts from a lady, in other words, back of your head hitting their nose, is the equivalent of getting hit 4-6 times by a man. Once again, if this frees you make a run for it.
4.) Keep a Weapon Handy - If you work in an office, a pen or pencil make a great weapon. As a general rule, use sharp objects to go after soft tissue, like an eyes, throat or belly for example. Anything solid and hard you have with you, like a can should be aimed at the bone.
5.) Move Side To Side - A moving target is a lot harder to hit. Try to stay as versatile as possible for as long as you can.
6.) Leave Forensic Evidence - If the worst happens and you find yourself in a situation that you feel is hopeless, dig in with everything you have. Wipe his blood on your clothes. These days forensics are so advanced. Leave a deep bite mark, if you can try to bite any major vein and don't let go.
Nails - Also use your nails and scratch your attacker. I mean a nice long deep scratch. After the attack and if you are able, immediately call the police and do not take a shower. Let them get the DNA from your finger nails. If your attacker has a criminal history, they might be able to find him in the criminal databases and identify them just from this information.
Throughout the entire process keep calm and focus 100% of your energy on disabling your attacker and use your head. Never fight out of emotion. You want to do everything in your power to get through this situation and get back to your family as well as collecting Forensic Evidence so you can also bring your attacker to justice.

If this is the case, here are some hard rules to follow that can save you in a fight. I'll go over a few of the most common scenarios. Remember your objective isn't to "win", it's to get out of the situation alive and unharmed if possible.
1.) Always Keep a Cool Head - Try to stay calm and do not panic. Panicking usually just makes the attacker angrier than they already are. If you stay calm you will have more time to think about how you are going to react to the situation as it unfolds.
2.) Defense Against Headlocks - If you find yourself accosted from behind and placed in a headlock, tilt your neck to the side of their elbow fold then tuck your chin in. This will make it impossible for your attacker to choke you. Then, completely relax and fall to the ground. This way your attacker will be forced to hold you up by your own body weight which is nearly next to impossible. This will force them to let you go. Then if possible try to make a run for it if they aren't armed with a pistol.
3.) Grabbed From Behind - If someone grabs you from behind using a Bear Hug, the best thing to do is to head butt them from behind. If you attempt to step on their heel or kick them in the groin, it will probably just infuriate your attacker. But the human skull is amazingly powerful. Just 2 good head butts from a lady, in other words, back of your head hitting their nose, is the equivalent of getting hit 4-6 times by a man. Once again, if this frees you make a run for it.
4.) Keep a Weapon Handy - If you work in an office, a pen or pencil make a great weapon. As a general rule, use sharp objects to go after soft tissue, like an eyes, throat or belly for example. Anything solid and hard you have with you, like a can should be aimed at the bone.
5.) Move Side To Side - A moving target is a lot harder to hit. Try to stay as versatile as possible for as long as you can.
6.) Leave Forensic Evidence - If the worst happens and you find yourself in a situation that you feel is hopeless, dig in with everything you have. Wipe his blood on your clothes. These days forensics are so advanced. Leave a deep bite mark, if you can try to bite any major vein and don't let go.
Nails - Also use your nails and scratch your attacker. I mean a nice long deep scratch. After the attack and if you are able, immediately call the police and do not take a shower. Let them get the DNA from your finger nails. If your attacker has a criminal history, they might be able to find him in the criminal databases and identify them just from this information.
Throughout the entire process keep calm and focus 100% of your energy on disabling your attacker and use your head. Never fight out of emotion. You want to do everything in your power to get through this situation and get back to your family as well as collecting Forensic Evidence so you can also bring your attacker to justice.

Friday, June 27, 2014
Conor McGregor Conor McGregor: Mayweather: McGregor fight still possible | Newslines MMA LIFE SHOP
Most people when they think of Martial Arts Styles, think of karate versus kung fu, or taekwondo versus Chinese Kenpo. What this article is concerned with, however, are the types of training one goes through to learn martial arts. There three specific routes one can travel down.
The first method is the traditional martial arts training method. This is going to consist of learning classical karate kata, Kung Fu patterns, and that type of thing. This is a very intense type of martial arts learning procedure.
One has to do the kata endlessly, paying close attention to the angle of the foot, the bend of the wrist, making sure the karate stances stay low, and that type of thing. Some students hold this in disrespect, calling for more reality. The truth, however, is that when it comes to martial arts styles of training, it takes a lot of mental focus to do the classical martial arts route.
The next in martial arts styles of training has to do with bunkai, or self defense movements. This is a very tight self defense routine, and it works very well. One will find this type of training used very efficiently in such arts as Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and that type of art.
Of course, how the sensei slants his teaching is going to have a large effect. The Jujitsu practitioner may tend to be more UFC or MMA slanted, and make his techniques efficient for the street. An Aikido instructor will be looking for the spiritual benefits.
The last in these martial arts styles of training is to focus on nothing but freestyle. This is the most street ready type of training, and you will find it in Jeet Kune Do, boxing, and other eclectic martial arts. There is a drawback, however, to this type of training.
People who train for combat tend to become trigger happy, a little too ready to use what they have learned. This can cause more confrontation than it stops. The best option would be to select a method that blends its hard fighting training with forms and applications.
Forms, Self Defense Movements, and Freestyle. These are the three corners of the martial arts that will keep the student efficiently learning. When it comes to martial arts styles of training one should search for a balanced style of learning, for this will keep one safe on the street even as it enhances the spirit.

The first method is the traditional martial arts training method. This is going to consist of learning classical karate kata, Kung Fu patterns, and that type of thing. This is a very intense type of martial arts learning procedure.
One has to do the kata endlessly, paying close attention to the angle of the foot, the bend of the wrist, making sure the karate stances stay low, and that type of thing. Some students hold this in disrespect, calling for more reality. The truth, however, is that when it comes to martial arts styles of training, it takes a lot of mental focus to do the classical martial arts route.
The next in martial arts styles of training has to do with bunkai, or self defense movements. This is a very tight self defense routine, and it works very well. One will find this type of training used very efficiently in such arts as Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and that type of art.
Of course, how the sensei slants his teaching is going to have a large effect. The Jujitsu practitioner may tend to be more UFC or MMA slanted, and make his techniques efficient for the street. An Aikido instructor will be looking for the spiritual benefits.
The last in these martial arts styles of training is to focus on nothing but freestyle. This is the most street ready type of training, and you will find it in Jeet Kune Do, boxing, and other eclectic martial arts. There is a drawback, however, to this type of training.
People who train for combat tend to become trigger happy, a little too ready to use what they have learned. This can cause more confrontation than it stops. The best option would be to select a method that blends its hard fighting training with forms and applications.
Forms, Self Defense Movements, and Freestyle. These are the three corners of the martial arts that will keep the student efficiently learning. When it comes to martial arts styles of training one should search for a balanced style of learning, for this will keep one safe on the street even as it enhances the spirit.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
UFC Glover Teixeira knocks out Rashad Evans at UFC Tampa MMA LIFE SHOP
Martial art is a time of body art or game that is played with the body and it involves lot of actions, rather the body strength. More than just being a body art, martial art is a self-protection technique that often many people learn so that they can secure their existence in front of any kind of miscreants. So, marital arts are an important technique to save oneself. Apart from this, doing martial arts gives a very good shape to the body and muscles. But, there are very less proper places to learn martial arts or any kind of self protection techniques. People keep looking for Martial Arts videos and one cannot learn anything by watching any video or any movie. They have to learn it under proper guidance as well. So, people keep looking for Martial Arts videos. However, apart from watching videos, people should learn to try the moves of martial arts properly.
If anyone makes improper moves, that may both hurt the person who is learning and teaching. So, there should be proper training should have been taken from the trained persons. Previously, martial arts were done by the people of south eastern and eastern countries. They were warriors and would love to fight with body than with any other mechanism. From there, slowly it gained importance in other parts also and hence, it was established as a effective self-protection technique as quoted earlier. There are several techniques for doing martial art. Each move has a particular name and can be elaborated. There are thousands of techniques for fighting or hitting different parts of the body. There are two different methods of how to approach in martial arts.
Some people do it for building body while others for self saving. The set of methods for the different groups are different. But, this is not the fact that if a person learns it for one reason, he cannot use it for proper reason. To utilize the technique properly, learning it in correct way is essential. But the availability of good tutors, as well as good video is very less. People should be aware of fake videos and buy original ones.
Learning something new is always good, but whatever one wants to learn, that should be good enough to make it useful. There are some coaches available in various cities who can guide to learn martial arts, But for those who can't make it, video is good and effective option.

If anyone makes improper moves, that may both hurt the person who is learning and teaching. So, there should be proper training should have been taken from the trained persons. Previously, martial arts were done by the people of south eastern and eastern countries. They were warriors and would love to fight with body than with any other mechanism. From there, slowly it gained importance in other parts also and hence, it was established as a effective self-protection technique as quoted earlier. There are several techniques for doing martial art. Each move has a particular name and can be elaborated. There are thousands of techniques for fighting or hitting different parts of the body. There are two different methods of how to approach in martial arts.
Some people do it for building body while others for self saving. The set of methods for the different groups are different. But, this is not the fact that if a person learns it for one reason, he cannot use it for proper reason. To utilize the technique properly, learning it in correct way is essential. But the availability of good tutors, as well as good video is very less. People should be aware of fake videos and buy original ones.
Learning something new is always good, but whatever one wants to learn, that should be good enough to make it useful. There are some coaches available in various cities who can guide to learn martial arts, But for those who can't make it, video is good and effective option.

MMA Get Fit With Jer Tries the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) MMA LIFE SHOP
Sometimes, street fight situations take place as some big shot seems to have flied off the handle. Well, you can be 100% positive that in such circumstances, he or she actually feels like strangling you with bare hands or seeing your head taken off by the same hands. Such individuals will, therefore, act to this purpose and this purpose alone ? that is why you will most often see them move their punches to and fro, in expectance of hitting your head off your shoulders. Indeed, punches remain some of the most popular street fighting moves.
However, the mere swinging of arms will not make such street fighting moves efficient. Fundamental laws of physics say that the substance of the strength crops up at the top of the semicircle, which is about intermediate to the mark (the individual attacked) in this situation. On the other hand, in street fight situation, you can put money on another punch-swinger to make his appearance sooner or later.
Have you ever heard someone say ?let?s throw?? Have you ever considered the fact that he or she was actually speaking for a situation as such ? where punches are thrown at large, with no respect whatsoever for the most essential rules of correct street combat? Well, the reason why such punches are preferred is that they remain street fighting moves that are the most natural to approach.
With such street fighting moves, fighters actually try to obtain as much strength as possible. Frequently, street combat begins with fighters pushing one another to then ?evolve? to large swings of punches. You will some big shot pushing someone else. This one will most likely push back. The big shot will push back again. You may hear a word or two said against each other. It concludes with a punch in the face or in the stomach /sternum area ? in the case where things have not cooled down in the verbal stage.
Indeed, most of the attacks, after the shouting and the shoving stages, involve swings. Generally, such street fight moves are inadequately aimed. In consequence, they will fail to reach their target or they strike a false target (like the brow). Alternatively, it may even happen for the attacker to fracture his or her fingers or wrist ? as he or she may not have had adequate preparation for such street combat.
If some big shot flings a fisticuff at you, you only bend your head ? his hand will smash into your cranium. Alternatively, you can lift your lead foot and place a frontal spontaneous boot into his spare tire (yeah, potbellies are quite a hilarious show with such ?pugilists?) and if he has a beer or two (or more, for that matter) deposited in his body, you are the definite winner of this street fight episode.

However, the mere swinging of arms will not make such street fighting moves efficient. Fundamental laws of physics say that the substance of the strength crops up at the top of the semicircle, which is about intermediate to the mark (the individual attacked) in this situation. On the other hand, in street fight situation, you can put money on another punch-swinger to make his appearance sooner or later.
Have you ever heard someone say ?let?s throw?? Have you ever considered the fact that he or she was actually speaking for a situation as such ? where punches are thrown at large, with no respect whatsoever for the most essential rules of correct street combat? Well, the reason why such punches are preferred is that they remain street fighting moves that are the most natural to approach.
With such street fighting moves, fighters actually try to obtain as much strength as possible. Frequently, street combat begins with fighters pushing one another to then ?evolve? to large swings of punches. You will some big shot pushing someone else. This one will most likely push back. The big shot will push back again. You may hear a word or two said against each other. It concludes with a punch in the face or in the stomach /sternum area ? in the case where things have not cooled down in the verbal stage.
Indeed, most of the attacks, after the shouting and the shoving stages, involve swings. Generally, such street fight moves are inadequately aimed. In consequence, they will fail to reach their target or they strike a false target (like the brow). Alternatively, it may even happen for the attacker to fracture his or her fingers or wrist ? as he or she may not have had adequate preparation for such street combat.
If some big shot flings a fisticuff at you, you only bend your head ? his hand will smash into your cranium. Alternatively, you can lift your lead foot and place a frontal spontaneous boot into his spare tire (yeah, potbellies are quite a hilarious show with such ?pugilists?) and if he has a beer or two (or more, for that matter) deposited in his body, you are the definite winner of this street fight episode.

MMA Discounting An Active Agreement MMA LIFE SHOP
Read this only if you will not get greedy and sabotage your monthly cash flow for the lure of quick cash.
You can use this same strategy on a few students each month to boost your gross. Be careful that you don?t offer it to more than just a half-dozen students. This is just one revenue stream. If you overuse this stream, it will dry up along with your monthly receivable stream. Keep the cash flowing! Remember, this is just to help your monthly tuition, not become your monthly tuition.
Call the student and tell him you have an opportunity for him to continue training at a significant discount. If he is interested, set an appointment to meet. Don?t name the price right away, as he may reject you on the phone. Be prepared to do a little selling in person ? just a little though.
Tell him to bring his payment method, as you only have a few of these to offer, and once you reach your number, it?s gone. If you decide to do this, you need to do it right away, as we have only three of these. This is a true statement, because you want to offer this to only about six guys, of which three will probably go for it. If he asks why just three, you can honestly tell him, ?Occasionally, I pick a few guys I know are doing good in classes and are here for the long haul. I think you are doing great, so I thought you would appreciate the opportunity to train at a discount. Of course, this is all confidential, but if you want to go over it real quick, we can do it before you come to class tomorrow/tonight.?
If the student wants to do it but can?t quite swing the payments, make it a 20-percent discount with as few payments as the student will agree to. If he has a $1,000 balance and can?t cut a check for $600 today, but really seems hot for the idea, tell him you can offer him a short-term payment plan for $800. Ask him how much he can put towards the $800 today.
Whatever he pays, work out the shortest time frame for the balance. He may say $300. ?OK, how long do you think it would take to finish it?? (?Finish it? sounds easier to do than to ?pay off the balance?). Try to get him done in the next two months. You can explain this is designed for 90 days, which would be $250 per month for the next two months. Then he is finished with this program and can focus on his training.
This option may not be 40 percent, but $800 is still $200 less than $1,000. You can, of course, increase or decrease the discount level, depending on your situation.
To whom do you make this presentation? Depending on the situation, this may work best with a drop-out-risk C student. If a student is going to drop out, they may see this as a chance to ?get out of the contract? at a discount. For you, it may present a chance to collect far more tuition than you would have had the student just dropped and stopped paying.
This is especially good for December when new enrollments are slow but typically jump in January. December is a good month to offer students the opportunity to cash out the balance of their program for a discount. I used 40 percent in this example but that may be more than you need to offer. As usual, the market will tell you what that figure is.

You can use this same strategy on a few students each month to boost your gross. Be careful that you don?t offer it to more than just a half-dozen students. This is just one revenue stream. If you overuse this stream, it will dry up along with your monthly receivable stream. Keep the cash flowing! Remember, this is just to help your monthly tuition, not become your monthly tuition.
Call the student and tell him you have an opportunity for him to continue training at a significant discount. If he is interested, set an appointment to meet. Don?t name the price right away, as he may reject you on the phone. Be prepared to do a little selling in person ? just a little though.
Tell him to bring his payment method, as you only have a few of these to offer, and once you reach your number, it?s gone. If you decide to do this, you need to do it right away, as we have only three of these. This is a true statement, because you want to offer this to only about six guys, of which three will probably go for it. If he asks why just three, you can honestly tell him, ?Occasionally, I pick a few guys I know are doing good in classes and are here for the long haul. I think you are doing great, so I thought you would appreciate the opportunity to train at a discount. Of course, this is all confidential, but if you want to go over it real quick, we can do it before you come to class tomorrow/tonight.?
If the student wants to do it but can?t quite swing the payments, make it a 20-percent discount with as few payments as the student will agree to. If he has a $1,000 balance and can?t cut a check for $600 today, but really seems hot for the idea, tell him you can offer him a short-term payment plan for $800. Ask him how much he can put towards the $800 today.
Whatever he pays, work out the shortest time frame for the balance. He may say $300. ?OK, how long do you think it would take to finish it?? (?Finish it? sounds easier to do than to ?pay off the balance?). Try to get him done in the next two months. You can explain this is designed for 90 days, which would be $250 per month for the next two months. Then he is finished with this program and can focus on his training.
This option may not be 40 percent, but $800 is still $200 less than $1,000. You can, of course, increase or decrease the discount level, depending on your situation.
To whom do you make this presentation? Depending on the situation, this may work best with a drop-out-risk C student. If a student is going to drop out, they may see this as a chance to ?get out of the contract? at a discount. For you, it may present a chance to collect far more tuition than you would have had the student just dropped and stopped paying.
This is especially good for December when new enrollments are slow but typically jump in January. December is a good month to offer students the opportunity to cash out the balance of their program for a discount. I used 40 percent in this example but that may be more than you need to offer. As usual, the market will tell you what that figure is.

Conor McGregor BREAKING: Conor McGregor WILL now fight at UFC 200 | JOE.co.uk MMA LIFE SHOP
In recent years, a huge number of MMA-branded workout routines have risen and fallen, each claiming to be better than the last at getting your body into its best fighting shape. Some, while effective, peak after only a month's practice, and cease delivering results. Others fail to ever produce results of any kind, no matter how dedicated and diligent you may have been in keeping up with them. Despite being touted as an MMA workout, many of these routines simply don't work out at all. That is not the case with The Pit Workout, however. The Pit Workout is an intense, tri-weekly workout routine designed explicitly to bring out the best fighter in you by focusing on agility, stamina, and raw power. Featuring a wide variety of different one-hour programs, some of which may surprise you, The Pit Workout is also a surprisingly difficult workout.
However, that difficulty is part of the tremendous, monstrous charm of The Pit: it's brutally difficult, and the rewards for your dedication are spectacular. This workout attempts to bridge standard martial arts and MMA disciplines, and the results are boldly apparent for anyone who has invested the time and energy into The Pit Workout. Despite sounding slightly cheesy by calling itself a "state of the art" workout routine, this workout is nonetheless exhilarating, and you will be feeling its effects before the first week of training has ended.
The Pit Workout comes on two DVDs, and will walk you, step-by-step, through a set of workouts that will turn you into all the warrior that your body can be. The first disc focuses on the upper body, and routines vary between pushups, levels, speeds, and even clapping, with each activity broken up by light, quick punching routines for five to seven minutes. Why five to seven minutes per interval? The answer is pretty simple, and any diehard MMA warrior will be able to answer that question: because that's how long the average fight lasts. The second disc of The Pit Workout focuses on aerobic exercise and endurance, leaping between shadow boxing, knee kicks, bicycle crunches, simulated rowing, jump rope, double leg lifts, and more.
If the first segment of the workout looked too difficult for you, then the second will completely annihilate you if you attempt to keep pace the entire time. Thankfully for those just beginning to get into MMA shape, you will always be able to jump into The Pit Workout at your leisure, and slow down and rewind if you need to. If you're looking for a straightforward, minimalistic, and brutal workout regime to get your body into peak MMA fighting condition, then The Pit Workout is easily one of the best on the market. A word of caution, though: if you're just looking for a way to just get into shape, then The Pit Workout should absolutely be avoided. This is a brutal, no-holds-barred workout routine, and should not be trifled with by anyone lacking a warrior mentality.

However, that difficulty is part of the tremendous, monstrous charm of The Pit: it's brutally difficult, and the rewards for your dedication are spectacular. This workout attempts to bridge standard martial arts and MMA disciplines, and the results are boldly apparent for anyone who has invested the time and energy into The Pit Workout. Despite sounding slightly cheesy by calling itself a "state of the art" workout routine, this workout is nonetheless exhilarating, and you will be feeling its effects before the first week of training has ended.
The Pit Workout comes on two DVDs, and will walk you, step-by-step, through a set of workouts that will turn you into all the warrior that your body can be. The first disc focuses on the upper body, and routines vary between pushups, levels, speeds, and even clapping, with each activity broken up by light, quick punching routines for five to seven minutes. Why five to seven minutes per interval? The answer is pretty simple, and any diehard MMA warrior will be able to answer that question: because that's how long the average fight lasts. The second disc of The Pit Workout focuses on aerobic exercise and endurance, leaping between shadow boxing, knee kicks, bicycle crunches, simulated rowing, jump rope, double leg lifts, and more.
If the first segment of the workout looked too difficult for you, then the second will completely annihilate you if you attempt to keep pace the entire time. Thankfully for those just beginning to get into MMA shape, you will always be able to jump into The Pit Workout at your leisure, and slow down and rewind if you need to. If you're looking for a straightforward, minimalistic, and brutal workout regime to get your body into peak MMA fighting condition, then The Pit Workout is easily one of the best on the market. A word of caution, though: if you're just looking for a way to just get into shape, then The Pit Workout should absolutely be avoided. This is a brutal, no-holds-barred workout routine, and should not be trifled with by anyone lacking a warrior mentality.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
MMA A Brief Guide To Goju Ryu MMA LIFE SHOP
Goju ryu was developed by Chojun Miyagi, who was born in took the name from a chinese text called "bubishi" which explains the eight precepts which make up the training in this style of martial art.
The precepts teach the student that all of our capabilities will be dicovered throughout our training. Goju ryu is a martial arts style based on opposites, such as hard and soft, or circular and goju ryu, you will practice the art of close battle and focusing your attacks on your opponent's weaknesses.
The first technique to learn is blocking; once you know how to block, you can then attack. Goju ryu blocking techniques can range from fast and furious to slow and soft. The many standing positions in goju ryu are defined by the angle the body which is relative to a horizontal plane. The way you hold your body is very important; as many positions come from the natural positions of animals.
When learning goju ryu, it is vital to learn the basics first, and more advanced skills when you're ready. At this point, you can then start learning more advanced kata.
The art of controlling and attacking are the essence of Goju ryu. You must control your opponent before you attack; if you do not, you will be unable to apply the techniques learned to defeat them. Once your opponent is under control, you can use one of several techniques to counterattack. Goju ryu's three phases of defeating your opponent are:1) Control your opponent.2) Weaken your opponent.3) Defeat your opponent.
This style of martial art is excellent in self defence situations. Click here for more information about goju ryu and the eight precepts

The precepts teach the student that all of our capabilities will be dicovered throughout our training. Goju ryu is a martial arts style based on opposites, such as hard and soft, or circular and goju ryu, you will practice the art of close battle and focusing your attacks on your opponent's weaknesses.
The first technique to learn is blocking; once you know how to block, you can then attack. Goju ryu blocking techniques can range from fast and furious to slow and soft. The many standing positions in goju ryu are defined by the angle the body which is relative to a horizontal plane. The way you hold your body is very important; as many positions come from the natural positions of animals.
When learning goju ryu, it is vital to learn the basics first, and more advanced skills when you're ready. At this point, you can then start learning more advanced kata.
The art of controlling and attacking are the essence of Goju ryu. You must control your opponent before you attack; if you do not, you will be unable to apply the techniques learned to defeat them. Once your opponent is under control, you can use one of several techniques to counterattack. Goju ryu's three phases of defeating your opponent are:1) Control your opponent.2) Weaken your opponent.3) Defeat your opponent.
This style of martial art is excellent in self defence situations. Click here for more information about goju ryu and the eight precepts

Conor McGregor Eddie Alvarez Blasts Conor McGregor's UFC 202 Performance MMA LIFE SHOP
It looks like the very same concerns normally pop up when folks start Brazilian JiuJitsu...
Lots of people ask "Can I personally use a Judo/Tae??Kwon??Do/Karate Uniform for BJJ?"Nicely, you could, however I highly advise in opposition to it. To the untrained eye, they look comparable, but are all very different style of gi. For instance, a judo uniform has a looser reduce; the sleeves as well as collar will be easier for the adversary to grab and employ towards a person. And the??tae??kwon??do??or karate gi are too slim in order to final in bjj, they'll tear after a couple of rolling periods. Most importantly, you're probably going to be rejected from competing in tournaments; numerous organizations possess strict rules on gi's . . .the smaller??businesses. A person might end up being capable to use your old Gi for any couple of classes in the event that it will be OK with the instructor, but in the event that a person tend to be serious about BJJ, buy any BJJ gi as soon because you actually can.
Alright, so I'm going to get a uniform particular with regard to B razil Jiujitsu. What colour uniform should I get?BJJ gi's generally are available in whitened, blue, or black. Some crazier colors are getting popular like red, green, camouflage, yellow, or pink. Many tournaments just allow blue or white, to ensure that is really a safe pick. Additionally, a few colleges contemplate it disrespectful to wear the colored gi that isn't blue or white.
Another thing to consider with color is contrast stitching. Many new gi companies are issuing solid color gis with the stitching in a contrasting color. This is very common and most look very nice. They are becoming increasingly popular and, thus, less expensive. Initially a gi with contrast stitching was very rare and would cost virtually $ 300, but now they can be bought for the minimal cost of approximately one hundred dollars.
First of all, check with your own college on what colors are acceptable. Then check the tournaments in your town that you are likely to take part in. If both of individuals groups let you select your uniform color freely, choose whatever you such as. Be cautioned however, wearing the fancy gi might get a person some reactions, something from a couple of extra appears hear and there, to somebody really calling you out on it.

Lots of people ask "Can I personally use a Judo/Tae??Kwon??Do/Karate Uniform for BJJ?"Nicely, you could, however I highly advise in opposition to it. To the untrained eye, they look comparable, but are all very different style of gi. For instance, a judo uniform has a looser reduce; the sleeves as well as collar will be easier for the adversary to grab and employ towards a person. And the??tae??kwon??do??or karate gi are too slim in order to final in bjj, they'll tear after a couple of rolling periods. Most importantly, you're probably going to be rejected from competing in tournaments; numerous organizations possess strict rules on gi's . . .the smaller??businesses. A person might end up being capable to use your old Gi for any couple of classes in the event that it will be OK with the instructor, but in the event that a person tend to be serious about BJJ, buy any BJJ gi as soon because you actually can.
Alright, so I'm going to get a uniform particular with regard to B razil Jiujitsu. What colour uniform should I get?BJJ gi's generally are available in whitened, blue, or black. Some crazier colors are getting popular like red, green, camouflage, yellow, or pink. Many tournaments just allow blue or white, to ensure that is really a safe pick. Additionally, a few colleges contemplate it disrespectful to wear the colored gi that isn't blue or white.
Another thing to consider with color is contrast stitching. Many new gi companies are issuing solid color gis with the stitching in a contrasting color. This is very common and most look very nice. They are becoming increasingly popular and, thus, less expensive. Initially a gi with contrast stitching was very rare and would cost virtually $ 300, but now they can be bought for the minimal cost of approximately one hundred dollars.
First of all, check with your own college on what colors are acceptable. Then check the tournaments in your town that you are likely to take part in. If both of individuals groups let you select your uniform color freely, choose whatever you such as. Be cautioned however, wearing the fancy gi might get a person some reactions, something from a couple of extra appears hear and there, to somebody really calling you out on it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Conor McGregor TUF Talk: Cody Garbrandt addresses his near brawl with Conor McGregor | FOX Sports MMA LIFE SHOP
hat a difference a year makes, especially to the UFC heavyweight division. Just a year ago, it was thought by many that the UFC heavyweight division was the least interesting of the weight classes. In fact, the moment that Tim Sylvia defeated Andrei Arlovski for the UFC heavyweight title in April 2006, it became the UFC's most boring division. In fact, 2 minutes and 43 seconds into that fight Arlovski went down and with it, the excitement left.
July of last year saw a rematch with Sylvia facing Arlovski again, but unlike their first two bouts this one would go the distance. It was the longest 25 minutes of my MMA watching life. Neither fighter engaged, neither landed big shots or attempted big take downs. Something had to be done, the hard core UFC fans did not want to see Arlovski Sylvia 4, and there were no other real challengers.
Something has happened since then, barely 9 months have passed and one title defense later sees the UFC's heavyweight division as the best in the sport. The first event was the signing of Pride standout heavyweight Mirko "Cro Cop". Mirko's incredible striking and strong take down defense earned him recognition as one of the 5 best heavyweights in the world. It was assumed by many, including myself, that Mirko was brought in as a hired gun to end Tim Sylvia's reign of terror and restore honor to the UFC heavyweight ranks.
Mirko may never get that chance, at least not with Tim Sylvia at the helm. As it turns out 43 year old Randy "The Natural" Couture decided to come out of retirement and challenge for the heavyweight title. While I'm not a huge Tim Sylvia fan, I did not give Randy much of a chance because of Tim's enormous size and reach advantage, not to mention that he's 12 or 13 years younger than Randy. Randy proved me wrong by dominating a 5 round fight. The excitement was back and Randy Couture was back on top!
UFC president Dana White was apparently not satisfied with just having a few good heavyweight fighters though, recently he's signed Brazilian submission masters Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura and Fabricio Werdum to UFC contracts. It is unknown when "Big Nog" will get his first fight in the UFC, but we do know that Werdum is to fight former heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski on April 21, 2007 at UFC 70 "Nations Collide". Oh, did I forget to mention the perennial heavyweight contender Heath Herring? While Heath hasn't looked spectacular in his first two UFC outings, he was always near the top when he fought in Japan's Pride organization.
So, here's how the UFC Heavyweight division stacks up as I see it:
1 Randy Couture - UFC Heavyweight Champion
2 Mirko Cro Cop - #1 contender (will get a title shot if he wins at UFC 70 against Gabriel Gonzaga)
3 Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura - #2 contender, no fights set yet.
4 Andrei Arlovski, Tim Sylvia, Fabricio Werdum are all tied for this spot as I see it.
5 Gabriel Gonzaga - if he beats Cro Cop at UFC 70 he will get a title shot.
It's also been rumored that a win at UFC 70 by Andrei Arlovski will get him another title shot later this year.
2007 is a banner year for UFC heavyweight fans. I for one am enjoying the it.

July of last year saw a rematch with Sylvia facing Arlovski again, but unlike their first two bouts this one would go the distance. It was the longest 25 minutes of my MMA watching life. Neither fighter engaged, neither landed big shots or attempted big take downs. Something had to be done, the hard core UFC fans did not want to see Arlovski Sylvia 4, and there were no other real challengers.
Something has happened since then, barely 9 months have passed and one title defense later sees the UFC's heavyweight division as the best in the sport. The first event was the signing of Pride standout heavyweight Mirko "Cro Cop". Mirko's incredible striking and strong take down defense earned him recognition as one of the 5 best heavyweights in the world. It was assumed by many, including myself, that Mirko was brought in as a hired gun to end Tim Sylvia's reign of terror and restore honor to the UFC heavyweight ranks.
Mirko may never get that chance, at least not with Tim Sylvia at the helm. As it turns out 43 year old Randy "The Natural" Couture decided to come out of retirement and challenge for the heavyweight title. While I'm not a huge Tim Sylvia fan, I did not give Randy much of a chance because of Tim's enormous size and reach advantage, not to mention that he's 12 or 13 years younger than Randy. Randy proved me wrong by dominating a 5 round fight. The excitement was back and Randy Couture was back on top!
UFC president Dana White was apparently not satisfied with just having a few good heavyweight fighters though, recently he's signed Brazilian submission masters Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura and Fabricio Werdum to UFC contracts. It is unknown when "Big Nog" will get his first fight in the UFC, but we do know that Werdum is to fight former heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski on April 21, 2007 at UFC 70 "Nations Collide". Oh, did I forget to mention the perennial heavyweight contender Heath Herring? While Heath hasn't looked spectacular in his first two UFC outings, he was always near the top when he fought in Japan's Pride organization.
So, here's how the UFC Heavyweight division stacks up as I see it:
1 Randy Couture - UFC Heavyweight Champion
2 Mirko Cro Cop - #1 contender (will get a title shot if he wins at UFC 70 against Gabriel Gonzaga)
3 Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura - #2 contender, no fights set yet.
4 Andrei Arlovski, Tim Sylvia, Fabricio Werdum are all tied for this spot as I see it.
5 Gabriel Gonzaga - if he beats Cro Cop at UFC 70 he will get a title shot.
It's also been rumored that a win at UFC 70 by Andrei Arlovski will get him another title shot later this year.
2007 is a banner year for UFC heavyweight fans. I for one am enjoying the it.

Monday, June 23, 2014
Conor McGregor UFC Champ Conor McGregor: Shut Your Fat Mouth, Donald Trump ... Ronda Rousey Will Be Back | TMZ.com MMA LIFE SHOP
If you polled the average father of a girl and asked him if he would encourage his daughter to engage in hand to hand combat, nine out of ten times the father would probably say "no way Jose!" Thus, it's no surprise that a extremely tiny quantity of mother and father are willing to enroll their daughters in any of the martial arts. Certainly, whilst participation of women in martial artistry (this kind of as judo, tae kwan do, or karate) is on the rise, it is nevertheless nowhere close to that of boys. This is a shame, as martial artistry can be an excellent action for youthful girls, specifically for youthful females who are at risk for reduced self-esteem and self-worth. Here are some causes as to why women can actually gain from a martial artistry education and learning.
-Less About Fighting, A lot more About Respect - Martial artistry has the reputation of becoming a violent, blood-filled activity that is more suited for grown men than sweet small ladies. Nevertheless, this could not be farther from the truth. Martial arts styles focuses on discipline and manage; most importantly, it focuses on respect for your self and other people. Women who analyze martial artistry are almost certainly a smaller amount most likely to get into a schoolyard fight with yet another girl, as they have learned that it is essential to respect their peers.
-Self-Esteem Mega-increase - A martial disciplines schooling can enhance a girl's self-esteem in methods that the typical parent could not even start to fathom. Considering that it needs extraordinarily discipline and repetition, girls who research martial arts tend to produce pretty a strong sense of confidence in themselves and their abilities, which translates to larger self-esteem. Anyone is aware that teen ladies are, at common, at a better danger for minimal-self esteem than teenager boys. So, a martial martial arts styles education can support your daughter to steer clear of that downward spiral. In addition, by building good self-esteem at a fresh age, your daughter will be less very likely to get caught up in drugs, eating difficulties, low grades, or teen drinking.
Positive, martial artistry aren't the magic recipe for a perfect daughter. Nonetheless, it is an amazing way to aid her acquire self-assurance, respect, and self-well worth. Children who study martial arts also usually have a tendency to have much better grades, so a martial artistry education can genuinely aid your girl out immensely as she progresses by means of her school career. So overlook your preconceived notions about this so-called "dangerous" sport and take into account enrolling your girl in martial artistry right now.
For more information about martial arts in Yorba Linda CA, please visit

-Less About Fighting, A lot more About Respect - Martial artistry has the reputation of becoming a violent, blood-filled activity that is more suited for grown men than sweet small ladies. Nevertheless, this could not be farther from the truth. Martial arts styles focuses on discipline and manage; most importantly, it focuses on respect for your self and other people. Women who analyze martial artistry are almost certainly a smaller amount most likely to get into a schoolyard fight with yet another girl, as they have learned that it is essential to respect their peers.
-Self-Esteem Mega-increase - A martial disciplines schooling can enhance a girl's self-esteem in methods that the typical parent could not even start to fathom. Considering that it needs extraordinarily discipline and repetition, girls who research martial arts tend to produce pretty a strong sense of confidence in themselves and their abilities, which translates to larger self-esteem. Anyone is aware that teen ladies are, at common, at a better danger for minimal-self esteem than teenager boys. So, a martial martial arts styles education can support your daughter to steer clear of that downward spiral. In addition, by building good self-esteem at a fresh age, your daughter will be less very likely to get caught up in drugs, eating difficulties, low grades, or teen drinking.
Positive, martial artistry aren't the magic recipe for a perfect daughter. Nonetheless, it is an amazing way to aid her acquire self-assurance, respect, and self-well worth. Children who study martial arts also usually have a tendency to have much better grades, so a martial artistry education can genuinely aid your girl out immensely as she progresses by means of her school career. So overlook your preconceived notions about this so-called "dangerous" sport and take into account enrolling your girl in martial artistry right now.
For more information about martial arts in Yorba Linda CA, please visit

#UFC #MMA #JoshBrolin Listen up now at BruceBuffer.com link in Instagram Bio or at iTunes & Soundcloud #ITSTIME" MMA LIFE SHOP
It is now possible for beginners to learn the various martial arts styles through martial arts video training. Mixed martial arts training videos will teach you the various arranged and systemized combat methods available today. While some of these styles are traditional and quite historical, others are more contemporary.
All these styles have a unique way of teaching you how to fight, although some principles tend to overlap significantly amongst styles. Martial art training videos provide instructions to learn the various techniques in fighting including: grappling or ground fighting; striking or stand up tactics; throws and takedown techniques; weapons based techniques; low impact or meditative techniques and the hybrid/ sports style of MMA.
The striking or stand up techniques will teach you how to defend yourself while on your feet through the employment of kicks, blocks, knees, punches and elbows. The degree to which you may learn these techniques will depend on the specific style, sub-style and your instructor. Moreover, most stand up styles also teach other aspects of combat. Kickboxing, Boxing, Krav Maga, Karate, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do are some common styles employing striking or stand up techniques.
Grappling or ground fighting techniques are commonly found in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Shoot fighting, Wrestling and Russian Sambo. This technique teaches you how to take down your opponent to the ground, achieve a dominant position or employ a submission hold until the fight ends.
The throwing or takedown styles will enable you to takedown or throw your opponent to the ground such as in Aikido, Hapkido, Shuai Jiao and Judo. This is because in most styles, you will find that combat always begin with both competitors in a standing position. All grappling styles generally teach takedowns, while most throwing styles will teach you grappling. This is proof of the significant amount of overlapping amongst various styles. Nevertheless, this technique places emphasis more on the takedowns.
The weapon based techniques employ weapons such as a wooden sword in Goju-Ryu Karate. Other weapon based styles include Iaido, Kali and Kendo. Tai Chi is a widely recognised form of low impact or meditative style which places emphasis more on fitness, breathing techniques and the spiritual aspect of combat. Other low impact styles include Baguazhang and the Chi Gong based styles. MMA is a hybrid mixed martial arts style of sports which trains you to compete using techniques such as grappling, takedowns, throws, stand up fighting and submissions.

All these styles have a unique way of teaching you how to fight, although some principles tend to overlap significantly amongst styles. Martial art training videos provide instructions to learn the various techniques in fighting including: grappling or ground fighting; striking or stand up tactics; throws and takedown techniques; weapons based techniques; low impact or meditative techniques and the hybrid/ sports style of MMA.
The striking or stand up techniques will teach you how to defend yourself while on your feet through the employment of kicks, blocks, knees, punches and elbows. The degree to which you may learn these techniques will depend on the specific style, sub-style and your instructor. Moreover, most stand up styles also teach other aspects of combat. Kickboxing, Boxing, Krav Maga, Karate, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do are some common styles employing striking or stand up techniques.
Grappling or ground fighting techniques are commonly found in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Shoot fighting, Wrestling and Russian Sambo. This technique teaches you how to take down your opponent to the ground, achieve a dominant position or employ a submission hold until the fight ends.
The throwing or takedown styles will enable you to takedown or throw your opponent to the ground such as in Aikido, Hapkido, Shuai Jiao and Judo. This is because in most styles, you will find that combat always begin with both competitors in a standing position. All grappling styles generally teach takedowns, while most throwing styles will teach you grappling. This is proof of the significant amount of overlapping amongst various styles. Nevertheless, this technique places emphasis more on the takedowns.
The weapon based techniques employ weapons such as a wooden sword in Goju-Ryu Karate. Other weapon based styles include Iaido, Kali and Kendo. Tai Chi is a widely recognised form of low impact or meditative style which places emphasis more on fitness, breathing techniques and the spiritual aspect of combat. Other low impact styles include Baguazhang and the Chi Gong based styles. MMA is a hybrid mixed martial arts style of sports which trains you to compete using techniques such as grappling, takedowns, throws, stand up fighting and submissions.

Sunday, June 22, 2014
MMA APNewsBreak: Chael Sonnen returns to MMA with Bellator MMA LIFE SHOP
Over the years past many decades, Judo Karate, Martial Arts, and Kung Fu have become one of the world's most strenuous forms of art. This exquisite art of self defense and attack demands severe discipline from mind and body alike. Originated in Japan, Karate involves various techniques of punching, kicking, locking, and knee and elbow striking. It is a striking art which can be practiced as a sport, combat sport or as self-defense training. However, the traditional karate emphasizes more on self defense, helping an individual to develop better reflexes, as well as provide a full body workout. Although Karate is more about the different fighting techniques and karate moves, one thing that can not go unnoticed is the different colored karate belts. There are various colors for Karate Belts such as simple black and white to vibrant yellow and blue, which always catch attention and signify the rank of the practitioner wearing them. Kano Jigoro is considered to be the founder of judo and he is also responsible to create the belt ranking system to signify the progress of his students. In the year 1883, the founder of Judo Kano formally introduced belt ranking system. Subsequently in the year 1907, Kano started using traditional white and black colors for modem gi and modem obi, however, in few years; martial art forms adopted a new custom and started using different colored sashes to determine the rank. Each martial arts form has its own belt color order in accordance to its rank structure.
Article source:
For more information on Mixed Martial Arts visit Martial Arts Weapons

Article source:
For more information on Mixed Martial Arts visit Martial Arts Weapons

Kenpo used interchangeably with Kempo has possibly been made most popular in the US as American Kenpo or Kenpo Karate. Kenpo's roots and lineage are traced back to Hawaii and Okinawa. The most common Kenpo today normally has been passed down from Hawaii, although reportedly there are still several Okinawan Kenpo masters living within the US.
A recent surge in interest of studying Kenpo no doubt comes from the fact that it is the core martial art style associated with UFC legend Chuck 'The Iceman' Liddell. Certainly Chuck has put it to awesome use and has earned a formidable reputation of one of, if not the best fighter to ever step into the octagon. Chuck Liddell picked up his Kenpo training at the 'Pit' training center in California, which has now spawned several other MMA fighters.
Kenpo is distinguished as a striking/ stand up martial art even though in training elements of wrestling and Jiu Jitsu are practised. So for those of you who love stand up slugging away and amazing KOs, this is definitely a style you want to look into. Kenpo is far from limited and is said to feature over 700 techniques plus 72 kicks! That's a lot of learning and not something that can be mastered overnight. Definitely not a black belt in 6 months type deal. Still this should be evidence that much development and thought has gone into perfecting Kenpo's fighting style and that it has been constantly updated to meet a changing environment.
While Kenpo can be found around the world and across the US, the main concentration of the best schools appear to be in California. So next time you are on the West Coast make time for a stop at the Pit in Arroyo Grande. There is also a Kenpo seminar being put on by the Tracey brothers in Sacramento in July of 2010.

A recent surge in interest of studying Kenpo no doubt comes from the fact that it is the core martial art style associated with UFC legend Chuck 'The Iceman' Liddell. Certainly Chuck has put it to awesome use and has earned a formidable reputation of one of, if not the best fighter to ever step into the octagon. Chuck Liddell picked up his Kenpo training at the 'Pit' training center in California, which has now spawned several other MMA fighters.
Kenpo is distinguished as a striking/ stand up martial art even though in training elements of wrestling and Jiu Jitsu are practised. So for those of you who love stand up slugging away and amazing KOs, this is definitely a style you want to look into. Kenpo is far from limited and is said to feature over 700 techniques plus 72 kicks! That's a lot of learning and not something that can be mastered overnight. Definitely not a black belt in 6 months type deal. Still this should be evidence that much development and thought has gone into perfecting Kenpo's fighting style and that it has been constantly updated to meet a changing environment.
While Kenpo can be found around the world and across the US, the main concentration of the best schools appear to be in California. So next time you are on the West Coast make time for a stop at the Pit in Arroyo Grande. There is also a Kenpo seminar being put on by the Tracey brothers in Sacramento in July of 2010.

gung fu,
kung fu,
martial arts,
mixed martial arts,
training tactics,
Conor McGregor 'Conor McGregor On the Brink' videos - MMA Fighting MMA LIFE SHOP
El Ni?o proved to be a devastating storm many years back, and this El Ni?o will be just as devastating. Gilbert ?El Ni?o? Melendez will make his long awaited return to the MMA world after a nine month layoff due to Zuffa?s purchase of Melendez?s former employer, Pride FC.
Melendez is set to make his Strikeforce debut on Saturday facing Tetsuji Kato at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA.
In Melendez?s young, yet successful MMA career, he has compiled a perfect 12-0 record with stunning victories in Pride, including his last instant classic bout against perennial top ten fighter Tatsuya Kawajiri.
?I?m very excited,? Melendez told . ?Even though I wasn?t fighting, I didn?t take any time off. It?s like I?ve been working for free. I?ve been training so hard and helping my buddies get ready for fights. It feels good that my hard work is going to pay off.?
Many former Pride fighters have been sitting idle since Pride was sold, seeking the best opportunity possible. This Cesar Gracie trained fighter has been patient while waiting to see where his future would lead.
?I basically played the waiting game with the Pride thing,? stated Melendez. ?[I] had a lot of faith in them that it would come around and get things together and it didn?t work out.?
In the meantime, Melendez will happily fight for Strikeforce, but don?t expect to see him there for long. He understands that you can?t fight forever and at the end of the day it is about getting paid. And as everyone knows, the UFC is the MMA monopoly for exposure.
?There?s a chance I could end up anywhere,? said Melendez about a possible deal with the UFC. ?It?s a sport and I fight for the love, but it?s also a business and I?m trying to make a career out of it and a life out of it.
?I really want to fight (Sean) Sherk. It?s a big thing for me to fight Sherk. Maybe I could talk to Dana White or he could give me that call when that time comes and we?ll see what happens.?
However, Melendez knows that he has to take things step by step, even if he is fighting a lesser opponent. Especially given the string of upsets this past year in MMA, and most recently at UFC 76 where upsets were the norm. Don?t expect for Melendez to fall victim to what others have experienced.
?I get extra motivated because I hear people say ?oh, you?re going to walk through this guy? which I never, ever think that,? said Melendez about his opponent. ?I need to make sure that I don?t think that, that I don?t underestimate him.?
The storm is coming and is about to come down on Kato.

Melendez is set to make his Strikeforce debut on Saturday facing Tetsuji Kato at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA.
In Melendez?s young, yet successful MMA career, he has compiled a perfect 12-0 record with stunning victories in Pride, including his last instant classic bout against perennial top ten fighter Tatsuya Kawajiri.
?I?m very excited,? Melendez told . ?Even though I wasn?t fighting, I didn?t take any time off. It?s like I?ve been working for free. I?ve been training so hard and helping my buddies get ready for fights. It feels good that my hard work is going to pay off.?
Many former Pride fighters have been sitting idle since Pride was sold, seeking the best opportunity possible. This Cesar Gracie trained fighter has been patient while waiting to see where his future would lead.
?I basically played the waiting game with the Pride thing,? stated Melendez. ?[I] had a lot of faith in them that it would come around and get things together and it didn?t work out.?
In the meantime, Melendez will happily fight for Strikeforce, but don?t expect to see him there for long. He understands that you can?t fight forever and at the end of the day it is about getting paid. And as everyone knows, the UFC is the MMA monopoly for exposure.
?There?s a chance I could end up anywhere,? said Melendez about a possible deal with the UFC. ?It?s a sport and I fight for the love, but it?s also a business and I?m trying to make a career out of it and a life out of it.
?I really want to fight (Sean) Sherk. It?s a big thing for me to fight Sherk. Maybe I could talk to Dana White or he could give me that call when that time comes and we?ll see what happens.?
However, Melendez knows that he has to take things step by step, even if he is fighting a lesser opponent. Especially given the string of upsets this past year in MMA, and most recently at UFC 76 where upsets were the norm. Don?t expect for Melendez to fall victim to what others have experienced.
?I get extra motivated because I hear people say ?oh, you?re going to walk through this guy? which I never, ever think that,? said Melendez about his opponent. ?I need to make sure that I don?t think that, that I don?t underestimate him.?
The storm is coming and is about to come down on Kato.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
A bigger opponent can inflict much more damage than a smaller guy because his blows are stronger and heavier... that's kind of obvious. If he is untrained and so are you the bigger man has the natural advantage and in most cases will win. Same goes in most cases for a Big Good Man against a Small Good Man, the bigger guy probably wins. Think of a Lightweight fighter against a Heavyweight fighting - all things being equal the Heavyweight wins. So what can we learn from this if you're a smaller guy?
Firstly if you are the smaller guy you MUST be smarter in a fight and have MUCH more skills than the bigger man.
It's not enough to even be equal in skill; you must be much better than the bigger man otherwise you lose and probably lose badly. To take away the edge and advantage from the bigger man you need to possess much better fighting techniques otherwise you are probably walking around hoping the next big guy doesn't pick a fight with that's not a nice feeling to have.
You can train to deal with a bigger attacker utilizing your strengths; you can stay on the outside of a bigger opponent and counter punch using speed as your weapon. You need to train good footwork, head movement and timing your attacks for this fighting strategy.
Watching Manny Pacquiao the legendary Philippines boxer demonstrates this perfectly maximizing his strengths of lateral movement and quickness with fast hard combinations.
You can learn to avoid his bigger strikes and get to the inside and use hooks to the head and body to defeat a bigger guy.
To fight using this type of strategy you'll need to train bobbing and weaving and staying close to your opponent and then finishing with hard hooks to the head and body. Mike Tyson was a perfect exponent of this strategy, not being a big Heavyweight and having to fight bigger men he mastered this strategy to become one of the great fighters.
You can also take away a bigger opponents balance with grappling holds and wrestling pins.
To utilize this strategy your practicing closing the distance on your opponent to avoid his punches then get in the clinch and look to take your opponent down with a throw or takedown technique and then finish your opponent with strikes or submission such as a chose hold.

Firstly if you are the smaller guy you MUST be smarter in a fight and have MUCH more skills than the bigger man.
It's not enough to even be equal in skill; you must be much better than the bigger man otherwise you lose and probably lose badly. To take away the edge and advantage from the bigger man you need to possess much better fighting techniques otherwise you are probably walking around hoping the next big guy doesn't pick a fight with that's not a nice feeling to have.
You can train to deal with a bigger attacker utilizing your strengths; you can stay on the outside of a bigger opponent and counter punch using speed as your weapon. You need to train good footwork, head movement and timing your attacks for this fighting strategy.
Watching Manny Pacquiao the legendary Philippines boxer demonstrates this perfectly maximizing his strengths of lateral movement and quickness with fast hard combinations.
You can learn to avoid his bigger strikes and get to the inside and use hooks to the head and body to defeat a bigger guy.
To fight using this type of strategy you'll need to train bobbing and weaving and staying close to your opponent and then finishing with hard hooks to the head and body. Mike Tyson was a perfect exponent of this strategy, not being a big Heavyweight and having to fight bigger men he mastered this strategy to become one of the great fighters.
You can also take away a bigger opponents balance with grappling holds and wrestling pins.
To utilize this strategy your practicing closing the distance on your opponent to avoid his punches then get in the clinch and look to take your opponent down with a throw or takedown technique and then finish your opponent with strikes or submission such as a chose hold.

Conor McGregor Nate Diaz gets the call, faces Conor McGregor in new UFC 196 main event | FOX Sports MMA LIFE SHOP
The UFC's lightweight division has certainly had it's ups and downs over the past year. With two positive tests for steroids and BJ Penn re-entering the fold, it's time to re-evaluate the rankings in the UFC lightweight division.
Lightweights in the UFC are considered to be up to 155lbs, but most of the guys in this list walk around at well over 155lbs. Sean Sherk and BJ Pen have both competed successfully at higher weights and former Ultimate Fighters Joe Stevenson and Kenny Florian have come down to be at 155. Let's not waste any time and get to the list.
6. Roger Huerta was virtually unknown to UFC fans just a year ago, but with 5 consecutive wins added in that time (to put his total to 15 in a row) and a sports illustrated cover have made Huerta a household name and fight fan favorite. I first started taking notice of Huerta with his decision victory over Leonard Garcia at UFC 69. Huerta seemed to have endless cardio in that fight and has had added two more impressive victories since then. One against Douglas Evans and one against a very tough Alberto Crane. Huerta doesn't quite make my top 5, but he certainly deserves special mention and a #6 placement.
5. Din Thomas holds wins over Matt Serra and Jens Pulver. That alone is not enough to move Din into the top 5, however his performances since the finale of the Ultimate Fighter season 4 are. Din has defeated Rich Clementi, Clay Guida and Jeremy Stephens and with those three victories over tough condition I give Din a #5 rating. I think Din is a tough match for anyone at 155.
4 Kenny Florian has one of the worst nicknames in martial arts "KenFlo", but that shouldn't be held against him. He was won 5 of his last six, most of them seemingly with little effort. He did loose in the lightweight title bout with Sean Sherk, but not before opening up a stomach turning cut on Sherk and giving "The muscle Shark" a good battle.
3. Joe Stevenson has won 13 of his last 14 fights, including victories over Melvin Guillard, Yves Edwards and Kurt Pellegrino. Ususally that puts Joe right in the mix at 155 and I expect him to get a title shot very soon.
2 Sean Sherk has rolled over all the competition he has faced since he moved to 155. He's easily out pointed Kenny Florian and Hermes Franca and is well deserving of the #2 spot. I think a couple of guys could give Sean a run, but with Seans strength and conditioning it will be tough to defeat "The muscle Shark".
1. BJ Penn has exactly one fight at lightweight in the last four years, so why is he considered #1 on my list? Simply because BJ Penn is the best lightweight fighter on the planet. BJ Penn has fought the very best at 155 and 170 and held his own with all of them. He is 1-1 in his fights with long time welterweight champion Matt Hughes and very nearly defeated the future at that weight, Georges St Pierre. He holds a win over Jens Pulver and Din Thomas. Sean Sherk (who is at #2) has lost badly to both Hughes and St Pierre and in my mind that puts BJ at a completely different level. Until Takanori Gomi comes to the UFC BJ Penn holds the top spot on my list of 155 lb fighters.
Many will disagree with my list, after all it is missing Hermes Franca, Manny Gamburyan, Spencer Fisher and others. No top 5 list is complete, or entirely without flaws. This is mine, for what it's worth. Of course when Spencer, Manny or Hermes defeat one of the others on my list I'll be happy to move them into the top 5.

Lightweights in the UFC are considered to be up to 155lbs, but most of the guys in this list walk around at well over 155lbs. Sean Sherk and BJ Pen have both competed successfully at higher weights and former Ultimate Fighters Joe Stevenson and Kenny Florian have come down to be at 155. Let's not waste any time and get to the list.
6. Roger Huerta was virtually unknown to UFC fans just a year ago, but with 5 consecutive wins added in that time (to put his total to 15 in a row) and a sports illustrated cover have made Huerta a household name and fight fan favorite. I first started taking notice of Huerta with his decision victory over Leonard Garcia at UFC 69. Huerta seemed to have endless cardio in that fight and has had added two more impressive victories since then. One against Douglas Evans and one against a very tough Alberto Crane. Huerta doesn't quite make my top 5, but he certainly deserves special mention and a #6 placement.
5. Din Thomas holds wins over Matt Serra and Jens Pulver. That alone is not enough to move Din into the top 5, however his performances since the finale of the Ultimate Fighter season 4 are. Din has defeated Rich Clementi, Clay Guida and Jeremy Stephens and with those three victories over tough condition I give Din a #5 rating. I think Din is a tough match for anyone at 155.
4 Kenny Florian has one of the worst nicknames in martial arts "KenFlo", but that shouldn't be held against him. He was won 5 of his last six, most of them seemingly with little effort. He did loose in the lightweight title bout with Sean Sherk, but not before opening up a stomach turning cut on Sherk and giving "The muscle Shark" a good battle.
3. Joe Stevenson has won 13 of his last 14 fights, including victories over Melvin Guillard, Yves Edwards and Kurt Pellegrino. Ususally that puts Joe right in the mix at 155 and I expect him to get a title shot very soon.
2 Sean Sherk has rolled over all the competition he has faced since he moved to 155. He's easily out pointed Kenny Florian and Hermes Franca and is well deserving of the #2 spot. I think a couple of guys could give Sean a run, but with Seans strength and conditioning it will be tough to defeat "The muscle Shark".
1. BJ Penn has exactly one fight at lightweight in the last four years, so why is he considered #1 on my list? Simply because BJ Penn is the best lightweight fighter on the planet. BJ Penn has fought the very best at 155 and 170 and held his own with all of them. He is 1-1 in his fights with long time welterweight champion Matt Hughes and very nearly defeated the future at that weight, Georges St Pierre. He holds a win over Jens Pulver and Din Thomas. Sean Sherk (who is at #2) has lost badly to both Hughes and St Pierre and in my mind that puts BJ at a completely different level. Until Takanori Gomi comes to the UFC BJ Penn holds the top spot on my list of 155 lb fighters.
Many will disagree with my list, after all it is missing Hermes Franca, Manny Gamburyan, Spencer Fisher and others. No top 5 list is complete, or entirely without flaws. This is mine, for what it's worth. Of course when Spencer, Manny or Hermes defeat one of the others on my list I'll be happy to move them into the top 5.

Friday, June 20, 2014
MMA From Fat to Fit And Other Staying Healthy Options Available in Essex MMA LIFE SHOP
Taekwondo is a form of martial art. There are many centres that offer taekwondo in essex, so you can search online or in your local directory book in order to find the best one for you. You may be able to do a trial class to try it out and see if you like it before signing up centres can cater for both experienced and beginner learners by offering a fun and educational place. You get to meet others and make friends as well as improving your strength, confidence and self defence. You may need it in the future, so it is a valuable skill to learn and keep up. It is a great way to exercise and improve muscle strength too.
Classes for weight loss in essexare also widely available. They help to monitor your loss in weight on a regular basis and provide you with support and encouragement in order to keep losing the pounds.
You will be asked to set your ideal weight or even be told roughly how much you should weigh depending on your gender and height. A subscription cost is usually required in order to attend these sorts of classes, although you may be able to go for an induction day first of all to see if you like it.
More and more people in the UK and other parts of the world are getting fatter due to the modern, unhealthy lifestyles that many of us lead. Weight loss is very important if you are overweight or obese as the excess fat in the body can lead to a number of different health problems, from minor to serious, and even fatal in some cases.
You should always look after your body by cutting out fatty and sugary foods, drinking lots of water and eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to get all the vitamins that you need in order to stay healthy.
Smoking and heavy drinking is also widely advised to avoid, as they bring additional health problems and can increase the risk of serious diseases further in those who are already overweight.
Once you get down to your ideal weight, you will need to stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise regime in order to avoid piling the pounds back on. You definitely do not want to waste all that hard work and money, so it is worth thinking of it as a long term plan for life.
Think positively, keep yourself busy and active with other things, and good friends and family around you and you should be able to keep on the right track. Will power is vital so that you do not get tempted to overeat on all the wrong foods. Another idea is to buy a bike or walk more than drive a car, as it will force you to include exercise into your daily routine.

Classes for weight loss in essexare also widely available. They help to monitor your loss in weight on a regular basis and provide you with support and encouragement in order to keep losing the pounds.
You will be asked to set your ideal weight or even be told roughly how much you should weigh depending on your gender and height. A subscription cost is usually required in order to attend these sorts of classes, although you may be able to go for an induction day first of all to see if you like it.
More and more people in the UK and other parts of the world are getting fatter due to the modern, unhealthy lifestyles that many of us lead. Weight loss is very important if you are overweight or obese as the excess fat in the body can lead to a number of different health problems, from minor to serious, and even fatal in some cases.
You should always look after your body by cutting out fatty and sugary foods, drinking lots of water and eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to get all the vitamins that you need in order to stay healthy.
Smoking and heavy drinking is also widely advised to avoid, as they bring additional health problems and can increase the risk of serious diseases further in those who are already overweight.
Once you get down to your ideal weight, you will need to stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise regime in order to avoid piling the pounds back on. You definitely do not want to waste all that hard work and money, so it is worth thinking of it as a long term plan for life.
Think positively, keep yourself busy and active with other things, and good friends and family around you and you should be able to keep on the right track. Will power is vital so that you do not get tempted to overeat on all the wrong foods. Another idea is to buy a bike or walk more than drive a car, as it will force you to include exercise into your daily routine.

Conor McGregor ‘Doubt Me Now’ – Inspirational Video Shows Just How Many McGregor Proved Wrong At UFC 202 MMA LIFE SHOP
I just lately began instructing a brand-new karate class with regard to preschoolers together with kindergarteners. Let that sink in a moment. For those who have worked with this particular age set before, I'm sure you now have a definite opinion about them. (They're tremendous fun! I'm now an alcohol addiction.) If you never caused this generation before, I'm sure you have a definite viewpoint about these. (Precisely how hard can it be? I just lay down the law!)
Let me humbly suggest that no matter your level of experience for a martial artisan, teacher, or even parent, each category of bit of kids comes with a unique and rewarding obstacle. Each meeting of each class comes with a unique and rewarding test. Each minute of each one class provides a unique together with rewarding test.
They say you never step in the same river twice. That's especially true when both of your scholars is using a small emotional rollercoaster during class. (I?m a sucker for karate! I hate karate! I need to go potty! I really enjoy karate! Where's my mommy?) Its also problematic to stabilize the entertainment and interactivity that kids need to enjoy that class with teaching that techniques, cultures, culture, and values of your art. I have yet for this purpose fine steadiness.
Observing the Little Dragonsinside Wild
My organization is admittedly a novice in instructing this age group. I've tutored them just before but always as a substitute for a great class at an exceptional school. It really was convenient. Now starting from scratch. This isn't so easy. Here are several my observations to date.
This is Three Best Self Defance Martia Arts:
Kids Karate
Childrens Karate
Kids Martial Arts
Little kids lately have much more energy and less attention span than in the past.Capturing their own attention is straightforward as long as you focus on one issue for a long time.Working with little kids can result in adult-onset ADHD.Young people LOVE composition and habit.Structure and routine are your friends.Structure and routine go out the eye-port when theres a new student in are incredibly know how cute they employ their cuteness to work things over upon you.
Parents are simultaneously your savior and your worst headache. They at the same time focus and distract their children all through class times especially if they bring cams.
Kids get pleasure from learning fundamental punches and kicks. Kids really enjoy using basic punches and kicks on the other when not necessarily looking.Never underestimate the electricity of confident reinforcement. A little praise goes quite some distance.
McDonald's got it right when they started providing toys in their Happy Food. You'r end up surprised precisely how hard slightly kid will work for a prize afterwards of class!Remember to never be as well serious. There only children.
Finally, never have a seat. Ever. No matter how good you will be at jiu-jitsu, you won't escape that imminent pig-pile.

Let me humbly suggest that no matter your level of experience for a martial artisan, teacher, or even parent, each category of bit of kids comes with a unique and rewarding obstacle. Each meeting of each class comes with a unique and rewarding test. Each minute of each one class provides a unique together with rewarding test.
They say you never step in the same river twice. That's especially true when both of your scholars is using a small emotional rollercoaster during class. (I?m a sucker for karate! I hate karate! I need to go potty! I really enjoy karate! Where's my mommy?) Its also problematic to stabilize the entertainment and interactivity that kids need to enjoy that class with teaching that techniques, cultures, culture, and values of your art. I have yet for this purpose fine steadiness.
Observing the Little Dragonsinside Wild
My organization is admittedly a novice in instructing this age group. I've tutored them just before but always as a substitute for a great class at an exceptional school. It really was convenient. Now starting from scratch. This isn't so easy. Here are several my observations to date.
This is Three Best Self Defance Martia Arts:
Kids Karate
Childrens Karate
Kids Martial Arts
Little kids lately have much more energy and less attention span than in the past.Capturing their own attention is straightforward as long as you focus on one issue for a long time.Working with little kids can result in adult-onset ADHD.Young people LOVE composition and habit.Structure and routine are your friends.Structure and routine go out the eye-port when theres a new student in are incredibly know how cute they employ their cuteness to work things over upon you.
Parents are simultaneously your savior and your worst headache. They at the same time focus and distract their children all through class times especially if they bring cams.
Kids get pleasure from learning fundamental punches and kicks. Kids really enjoy using basic punches and kicks on the other when not necessarily looking.Never underestimate the electricity of confident reinforcement. A little praise goes quite some distance.
McDonald's got it right when they started providing toys in their Happy Food. You'r end up surprised precisely how hard slightly kid will work for a prize afterwards of class!Remember to never be as well serious. There only children.
Finally, never have a seat. Ever. No matter how good you will be at jiu-jitsu, you won't escape that imminent pig-pile.

Thursday, June 19, 2014
Conor McGregor What Happens If Conor McGregor Beats Eddie Alvarez? MMA LIFE SHOP
Martial arts are fun, rewarding and good for you, so there is no reason not to try. There are many establishments these days which take on beginners and help train them to the best of their potential in many martial arts.
For those in the locality, Martial arts Essex is a great option. The academy offers a host of types of martial arts, and welcomes all levels. With trained instructors, the school can help you achieve your goals, whatever this may be. Whether you simply want to have fun, get in shape, or become a black belt, they will be there to help you along the way.
Martial Arts Essex has a number of disciplines which you can choose from and master. This includes Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, and Kickboxing. With all this variety you are simply spoilt for choice for what to try, with each art having its own particular style and ethos. For those looking for a general education in martial arts, the Mixed Martial arts classes are perfect as these draw inspiration from many forms but focus mainly on the elements which many require of directness and economy of motion.
Thai boxing is a popular form of martial art can be studied on its own or as a part of mixed martial arts. Thai boxing Essex offers classes in the art which will get you in great shape and thinking of your body in a whole new way. The art considers the whole body as a weapon, be it knees, elbows, or hands, and trains these to be completely effective for self-defence and fights. This art was developed in Thailand and has become popular the world over for the way it teaches body mechanics and general physical wellness.
Mixed martial arts also include this type of boxing alongside Judo, Sombo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The practice helps develop a number of skills, and if you decide you are particularly interested in the Muay Thai boxing side of the mixed arts, you can decide to specialise with Thai boxing Essex.
Learning a martial art has a host of benefits. You will get in shape and totally fit thanks to the fitness training aspect of the art, which requires you to be fit and ready to move at all times. Equally, your flexibility will increase as well as your stamina. You will learn to react quickly and think on your feet, which is why many cite learning a martial art as a great confidence builder and even a great way to develop your leadership skills. With Martial Arts Essex you can develop all of these skills while learning among friendly faces and with expert staff.

For those in the locality, Martial arts Essex is a great option. The academy offers a host of types of martial arts, and welcomes all levels. With trained instructors, the school can help you achieve your goals, whatever this may be. Whether you simply want to have fun, get in shape, or become a black belt, they will be there to help you along the way.
Martial Arts Essex has a number of disciplines which you can choose from and master. This includes Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, and Kickboxing. With all this variety you are simply spoilt for choice for what to try, with each art having its own particular style and ethos. For those looking for a general education in martial arts, the Mixed Martial arts classes are perfect as these draw inspiration from many forms but focus mainly on the elements which many require of directness and economy of motion.
Thai boxing is a popular form of martial art can be studied on its own or as a part of mixed martial arts. Thai boxing Essex offers classes in the art which will get you in great shape and thinking of your body in a whole new way. The art considers the whole body as a weapon, be it knees, elbows, or hands, and trains these to be completely effective for self-defence and fights. This art was developed in Thailand and has become popular the world over for the way it teaches body mechanics and general physical wellness.
Mixed martial arts also include this type of boxing alongside Judo, Sombo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The practice helps develop a number of skills, and if you decide you are particularly interested in the Muay Thai boxing side of the mixed arts, you can decide to specialise with Thai boxing Essex.
Learning a martial art has a host of benefits. You will get in shape and totally fit thanks to the fitness training aspect of the art, which requires you to be fit and ready to move at all times. Equally, your flexibility will increase as well as your stamina. You will learn to react quickly and think on your feet, which is why many cite learning a martial art as a great confidence builder and even a great way to develop your leadership skills. With Martial Arts Essex you can develop all of these skills while learning among friendly faces and with expert staff.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
MMA Artem Lobov to Team Diaz: "This isn't just a fight to us. This is a war" | SevereMMA.com - UFC, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Irish MMA MMA LIFE SHOP
With the new rise of the UFC, Strike Force and other popular Mixed Martial Arts organizations many people have realized the importance of learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Originally Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was made popular by Royce Gracie defeating all his opponents via submission when it was technically style vs. style. Royce Gracie was also known for always wearing a Bjj Gi when he would compete in Mixed Martial Arts. He did this to emphasize the importance of the Bjj Gi for MMA.
Today, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become the most important martial art to learn in a MMA fight, and those who do not understand this concept tend not to do so well in MMA. Since MMA fights are fought without any type of traditional martial art uniform many people may believe that to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you don't need to train in the BJJ Gi. They are wrong. Jiu-Jitsu is a very technical sport which teaches you with technique and how to defeat the bigger opponent. Training in a Jiu Jitsu Gi is very crucial for any fighter to understand the intricate technique that comes with all the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves.
Training in your Bjj Gi will teach you grip strength which is very important in Jiu Jitsu. It also helps you by giving you more submission options compared to no gi training where the submissions are limited. The wider variety of possible submissions gives you more options to think about when going for the submission on your opponent during a fight. This teaches you much better technique when it comes to any sort of fighting. It will also benefit your Jiu Jitsu game in Mixed Martial Arts by getting you to think outside the box to figure out new and innovative ways to grapple and finish off your opponents with a submission victory. If you look at some of the best UFC fighters out there right now such as BJ Penn, GSP, Frank Mir, Anderson Silva, Gabriel Gonzaga, George Satorapolus, etc. you will quickly realize how all of these fighters training Jiu Jitsu in a BJJ Gi as part of their training schedule. When you ask them why they do so, they will tell you the technique learned from training in the Jiu Jitsu Gi is what makes them do it. Tradition is always a great thing to keep in life.

Today, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become the most important martial art to learn in a MMA fight, and those who do not understand this concept tend not to do so well in MMA. Since MMA fights are fought without any type of traditional martial art uniform many people may believe that to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you don't need to train in the BJJ Gi. They are wrong. Jiu-Jitsu is a very technical sport which teaches you with technique and how to defeat the bigger opponent. Training in a Jiu Jitsu Gi is very crucial for any fighter to understand the intricate technique that comes with all the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves.
Training in your Bjj Gi will teach you grip strength which is very important in Jiu Jitsu. It also helps you by giving you more submission options compared to no gi training where the submissions are limited. The wider variety of possible submissions gives you more options to think about when going for the submission on your opponent during a fight. This teaches you much better technique when it comes to any sort of fighting. It will also benefit your Jiu Jitsu game in Mixed Martial Arts by getting you to think outside the box to figure out new and innovative ways to grapple and finish off your opponents with a submission victory. If you look at some of the best UFC fighters out there right now such as BJ Penn, GSP, Frank Mir, Anderson Silva, Gabriel Gonzaga, George Satorapolus, etc. you will quickly realize how all of these fighters training Jiu Jitsu in a BJJ Gi as part of their training schedule. When you ask them why they do so, they will tell you the technique learned from training in the Jiu Jitsu Gi is what makes them do it. Tradition is always a great thing to keep in life.

Conor McGregor Stephen A. Smith: Conor McGregor walks the walk - ESPN Video MMA LIFE SHOP
If you regularly train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu using your Jiu Jitsu Gi, it is very essential to wash it carefully and properly so that it altogether enhances the durability of the material with which it is made. There are several things that you must keep in mind before you wash your Jiu Jitsu Gi. You need to be very careful so that it does not damage the cloth. These are actually made with pure cotton as a result of which the chances of shrinkage are very rare. Irrespective of that, you must do your best to take absolute care of it.
In the recent days there are many different types of Jiu Jitsu Gi available in the market. They are designed in such a manner so that they are quite easy to wash and therefore much more comfortable. Make sure that you wash it after every training session. Even if you are wearing your Gi two times a day, make sure that you either wash it or you wear a different Bjj Gi. Since the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi have to be used constantly, constant wash is definitely essential. These must undergo regular washing and dry cycles in the machine.

In the recent days there are many different types of Jiu Jitsu Gi available in the market. They are designed in such a manner so that they are quite easy to wash and therefore much more comfortable. Make sure that you wash it after every training session. Even if you are wearing your Gi two times a day, make sure that you either wash it or you wear a different Bjj Gi. Since the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi have to be used constantly, constant wash is definitely essential. These must undergo regular washing and dry cycles in the machine.

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