Saturday, June 7, 2014

MMA Destructions: The Key To Ending A Fight Quickly MMA LIFE SHOP

Why block, parry, evade and then counter strike when you can do all of them at once and end a confrontation immediately.

What is a destruction? A destruction is a technique that destroys a body part so that it no longer works properly and this can be done to a bone, a muscle, a joint or a nerve. This can be a temporary injury or a permanent injury depending on what body part is destructed and by what means it is destructed and it can either be done with a block or a strike. In the particular combat fighting style that I practice called Pentjak Silat we have the following saying; ?We do not block we strike but We do not strike we block? In other words we simply put a harder object between the opponents attacking limb and our targeted body part. An example of this would be an opponent strikes with a right-hand cross punch towards our left jaw, we would simply place the point of our left elbow in the way so that the opponents fist impales into the point of our elbow causing the hand to break and producing a destruction.

Now, did we block our face or did we strike their fist? It just depends on how you look at it but either way the hand is injured and the fight is probably over. If for some reason the opponent is able to continue to fight then at least they are at a great disadvantage being in pain and having limited use of one of their primary weapons.

I use the following three terms to clarify blocking VS striking destructions:

?Defensive Destruction? Is more of a block type technique and is used when the opponent has launched an attack and a limb is coming toward you. You simply place a stationary weapon in its path to stop it from reaching its target.

?Offensive Destruction? is more of a strike type technique and used when the opponent is about to launch an attack with a specific limb. You strike that limb as or before it begins its motion towards you to stop it from reaching its target.

?Offensive-Defensive Destruction? is a deadly combination of the first two and done when you intercept the opponents incoming limb with a strike of your own. The speed and power of the two objects combined produces a much greater amount of force when the two meet rather than just impaling on a stationary object and it also produces much more damage to the attacking limb.

Now lets look at some of the many different ways to apply a destruction technique both offensively and defensively:

Fist strikes can be defensively destructed using elbows to impale upon and offensively destructed using leopard paw and back knuckle strikes to the metacarpal bones located in the back of the hand.

Backhand strikes can be defensively destructed using elbows, fist, back knuckles and leopard paws to impale upon and offensively destructed using leopard paw, fist and back knuckle strikes to the metacarpal bones.

Back knuckle strikes can be defensively destructed using elbows to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, leopard paw and back knuckle strikes to the carpals bones located in the wrist joint area and the ulna & radius bones commonly called the forearm bones.

Hammer fist strikes can be defensively destructed using elbows to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, back knuckles, cranes head and leopard paw strikes to the carpals bones and the ulna & radius bones.

Elbows strikes can be defensively destructed using elbows at a different angle to impale upon and offensively destructed using back knuckles, fist, cranes head and leopard paw strikes to the medial epicondyle bone commonly called the funny bone.

Knee strikes can be defensively destructed using knees at a different angle to impale upon for lower body attacks, fist and elbows to impale upon for mid body attacks and elbows to impale upon for upper body attacks. Offensively destructed using knees, elbows, fist, back knuckles and kicks to strike the lateral condyle, lateral epicondyle, medial condyle, medial epicondyle, intercondylar bones located around the knee joint area and the patella located at the front of the knee commonly called the knee cap.

Front kicks can be defensively destructed using fist, back knuckles, elbows and knees to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, fist, back knuckles and knees to strike the tibia bone commonly called the shin bone and the talus, tarsals & metatarsals bones located in the instep area of the foot.

Side kicks can be defensively destructed using elbows, back knuckles and fist to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, back knuckles and fist to strike to the Fibular notch & lateral malleolus bones located near the ankle of the foot and the fibula & tibia bones.

Back kicks can be defensively destructed using elbows, back knuckles and fist to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, back knuckles and fist to strike the lateral malleolus bone located near the Achilles tendon area of the foot and the tibia & fibula bones.

Roundhouse kicks can be defensively destructed with knees to impale upon for lower body attacks. Elbows, fist and back knuckles to impale upon for upper body attacks. Offensively destructed using knee, elbow, fist and back knuckle to strike the tibia bone, talus, tarsals & metatarsals bones.

Crescent kicks ?inside? can be defensively destructed using elbows, fist and back knuckles to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, fist and back knuckles to strikes the medial malleolus bone located on the inside of the ankle joint, the calcaneus bone commonly called the heel bone and the tibia & fibula bones.

Crescent kicks ?outside? can be defensively destructed using elbows, fist and back knuckles to impale upon and offensively destructed using elbows, fist and back knuckles to strike the fibular notch & lateral malleolus bone located on the outside of the ankle joint, the calcaneus bone commonly called the heel bone and the tibia & fibula bones.

You must be careful when practicing these techniques and take caution in applying these destructions to your partner as these destructions can seriously injury without using much force or intent.

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